Get up at dawn, sweep the courtyard, and make sure it is clean inside and outside; when you feel faint, you will take a rest, lock the door, and check it yourself. A porridge and a meal, when you think about the difficulty of getting there; half a thread, half a thread, always remember that material resources are difficult. It is better to be prepared before it rains, and not to dig a well when thirsty. Self-service must be simple, and guests must not linger. The utensils are clean and earthenware, and the earthenware pot and pot are better than gold and jade; the food is simple and refined, and the vegetables in the garden are more delicious. Do not build luxurious houses or seek fertile land. Three aunts and six wives are matchmakers for adulterers and thieves; beautiful maids and coquettish concubines are not the blessings of a boudoir. Servants should not be handsome, and wives and concubines should not use colorful makeup. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must not be dishonest; although the descendants are foolish, they must read the scriptures. Live in a simple and simple way, and teach your children in a righteous way.
Don’t be greedy for unexpected wealth, and don’t drink too much alcohol. Don’t take advantage of others when doing business with them; when you see your poor relatives and neighbors, you need to be more considerate. If you are harsh and mean, you will not be able to enjoy your family for a long time. If your morals are often strange, you will soon be destroyed. Brothers, uncles and nephews need to be divided into many to benefit the few. Elderly and young, both inside and outside, should be strict in their speech. How can he be a husband if he listens to his wife's words and is good to his own flesh and blood? His parents who value property but have little money cannot be a son. When marrying a daughter, choose a good son-in-law, and don’t ask for a heavy engagement; when marrying a daughter-in-law, choose a lady, and don’t ask for a generous dowry. It is most shameful to be slanderous when seeing wealth, and nothing more despicable than to be coquettish when faced with poverty. Avoid litigation at home, as litigation will end in disaster.
Be careful not to talk too much when dealing with things. Talking too much will lead to mistakes. Do not serve the powerful and bully the orphans and widows; do not covet the good fortune and kill animals and birds. If you are eccentric and serve yourself, you will have many regrets. If you are lazy and resigned, your family fortune will be difficult to achieve. If there is little intimacy, you will suffer from it for a long time; if you are old and mature, you can rely on each other if you are in a hurry. Listen to the speech lightly, and be aware of the accusations of others, and be patient and think twice; when fighting over things, know that it is not your fault, you must think calmly to yourself. Don't forget to give kindness, don't forget to receive kindness. You should leave room for everything, and you should not go back to where you are proud.
When people are happy, don’t be jealous; when people are in trouble, don’t be happy. To desire good things to be seen by others is not really good, and to be evil in fear of being seen by others is a great evil. Seeing lust leads to lustful thoughts, and repays it to his wife and children. He hides his grudges and uses hidden arrows to cause trouble to his descendants. The family is harmonious, and even though the food is no longer available, there is still a lot of fun; the national classes are finished early, and there is no money left, so I am happy. When studying, one aspires to be a sage; when serving as an official, one aspires to the kingdom. Keep your peace and order, and listen to the weather. If you behave like this, you will be close to common people.
Guan Shiwen
Lu Mengzheng, a native of Hejian in the Song Dynasty, was named Shenggong. He was a Jinshi in Taiping and Xianping. From Chunhua to Xianping, he served as prime minister of Taizong and Zhenzong. Before he succeeded in his career, because his family was poor, he lived in a monastery. After he was appointed prime minister, he was ranked among the three princes. There is a saying: People have thousands of skills, and if they are not lucky, they will not succeed. Therefore, I wrote a piece of advice to the world.
1. Brothers
Brothers live together and tolerate it. Don't have any disputes over the slightest cause. Children are born before your eyes and you are brothers. Leave it to your children and grandchildren to watch. Don't take it seriously when it comes to mere possessions. After all, a family is a heavenly relative. Everything depends on the face of the father and the mother, and how many flesh and blood brothers there are. ?We are all nurtured by our parents. Thousands of peach blossoms have the same root. Don’t treat sisters lightly. There will always be marks when you bite your fingers. 2. Making friends
Don’t be friends with fair-weather friends. To make friends, you must make friends with decent people, who are kind-hearted and possess the spirit of orchid, and who depend on each other’s priorities to see your true nature. 3. Husband and wife
A husband and wife are diligent and thrifty and are good friends. They each care for their reputation and love each other, and they encourage and punish each other if there is any slight difference. 4. Persuading people
People who hear about death in the morning and evening are innocent in nature. The holy city has a virtuous gate for eternity. Don’t wait for old age to learn the Tao. Most of the lonely graves are filled with young people. 5. Diligence and thrift
Young time is the most precious, and it is due to the misunderstanding of the two words. There is no limit to a life-long career, so you have to spend time in the world. Getting up early in the morning at dawn, the family is facing hardships inside and outside, and those who lose money and lose money are all lazy and greedy people. ?When you are doing things and running a household year after year, you always have to think about the future before thinking about the future. When you have money, you often think about the days when you have no money. Don’t wait until you don’t have money to think about being rich. 6. Wealth and Color
Zhu Bolu's famous sayings
Zhu Bolu's famous sayings
1. Keep order and live in peace, and listen to the weather.
2. If you are mean and start a family, you will not be able to enjoy it for a long time; if you have a bad relationship, you will soon perish.
3. Brothers, uncles and nephews must be divided into many to benefit the few; elders and younger ones, both inside and outside, should be strict with the law and speak strictly.
4. It is the most shameful thing to be flattering when you see wealth; it is the most despicable thing to be arrogant when you are poor.
5. Do not rely on power to bully the orphans and widows; do not be greedy for food and drink but kill livestock and poultry.
6. Qu Zhi is experienced, but in times of emergency, you can rely on each other.
7. Listen carefully to speeches, be aware of inhuman accusations, and be patient and think twice.
8. When we fight over things, how can we know that it is not my fault? We must think about it calmly.
9. If you feel lust after seeing something, you will repay it to your wife and daughter.
10. Hiding grudges and using hidden arrows will bring disaster to future generations.
11. The family is harmonious, and even though the food is no longer good, there is still happiness.
12. If you finish the national lessons early, you will have nothing left in your pocket, and you will be happy.
13. When you are an official, you care about the country, not your wealth.
14. It’s almost impossible to be such a common person.
15. A porridge and a meal, when you think about the difficulty of getting there; half a thread, half a thread, always think about the difficulty of material resources.
16. You should leave room for everything, and you should not continue to be proud.
17. Keeping one's orders, obeying the times and obeying Heaven, it is almost impossible to behave like a common man.
18. When studying, one aspires to be a sage; when serving as an official, one aspires to the kingdom.
19. If you behave like this, you are almost a common man.
20. Studying aims at being a sage, not just a scholar; serving as an official only cares about the country, how can you consider your wealth?
21. The family is harmonious, and even if the food is no longer good, there is still happiness; the national lessons are finished early, and there is nothing left in the bag, and I am happy.
22. Seeing lust and arousing lustful thoughts, repaying it to the wife and daughter; hiding resentment and using hidden arrows, the disaster will be extended to the descendants.
23. Being kind and wanting others to see you is not really good; being evil and fearing people will see you is a great evil.
24. When people are happy, don’t be jealous; when people are in trouble, don’t be happy.
25. Leave room for everything, and don’t move forward when you are proud.
26. Don’t forget to give favors, and never forget to receive favors.
27. Listen carefully to what is said, but how can you be aware of the inhuman accusations? You should be patient and think twice; if you fight over things, how can you know that it is not my fault? Need to think quietly.
28. If you have little intimacy, you will suffer from it for a long time; if you have an old will, you can depend on each other in times of crisis.
29. If you are eccentric, you will have many regrets and mistakes; if you are lazy and resigned, your family fortune will be difficult to achieve.
30. Do not rely on your power to bully the orphans and widows, do not be greedy for food and drink, and do not kill animals and birds.
31. Avoid litigation at home, as litigation will lead to disaster; avoid talking too much in life, because talking too much will lead to mistakes.
32. It is most shameful to be flattering and flattering when you see wealth, and it is even more despicable to be arrogant when you are poor.
33. When marrying a daughter, choose a good son-in-law, and don’t ask for a generous offer; when marrying a daughter-in-law, choose a lady, and don’t ask for a generous dowry.
34. Don’t take advantage of others when doing business with them; when you see poor relatives and neighbors, you must show warmth and compassion.
35. Live in a simple and simple way, and teach your children in a righteous way.
36. Three aunts and six wives are matchmakers for adulterers and thieves; beautiful maids and coquettish concubines are not the blessings of a boudoir.
37. He who listens to his wife and behaves like his own flesh and blood is not a husband. He who cares about property but neglects his parents cannot be a son.
38. Brothers, uncles and nephews need to be divided into many to benefit the few. Elderly and young, both inside and outside, should be strict in their speech.
39. A person who is mean will have a family, and will not be able to enjoy it for a long time. If his morals are often bad, he will soon perish.
40. Don’t take advantage of others when doing business with them. When you see poor relatives and neighbors, you must show compassion.
41. Don’t be greedy for unexpected wealth, and don’t drink too much wine.
42. Live frugally and teach your children in a righteous way.
43. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must not be dishonest; although the descendants are foolish, they must read the scriptures.
44. Children and servants should not be handsome, and wives and concubines should not dress in colorful clothes.
45. Three aunts and six wives, matchmakers for adulterers and thieves, beautiful maids and concubines, (Zheng Chenggong) are not the blessings of a boudoir.
46. Don’t build luxurious houses or seek fertile land.
47. The utensils are pure and clean, the earthenware and pots are better than gold and jade, the food is simple and refined, and the garden vegetables are more delicious.
48. You must be frugal when treating yourself to guests and do not linger around.
49. It is better to prepare for the rain than to dig a well when you are thirsty.
50. A porridge and a meal are difficult to think about where they came from, and the resources are difficult.
51. Get up at dawn and sweep the court. Make sure the inside and outside are clean and tidy. After sleeping, you must lock the door and check it yourself.
Zhu Bolu's Motto on Managing a Family by Zhu Yongchun of the Qing Dynasty.
1. Get up at dawn. Sweep the court.
Get up at dawn, sweep the courtyard and steps, and keep the inside and outside clean.
Take a rest at dusk, close the windows and lock the doors, and check everything in person.
A bowl of rice or a bowl of porridge reminds people of the hard-won; the half silk and half a strand on the clothes reminds people of the difficulty of material resources.
Close the doors and windows when it hasn’t rained yet, and don’t dig a well when you are thirsty.
You must be economical in your own expenses, and you must not overstay your welcome when entertaining guests.
As long as the utensils are strong and clean, earthenware is better than gold and jade.
Eat less but more carefully. Vegetables from the garden are better than delicacies from the mountains and sea.
Don’t build a gorgeous house, and don’t seek too good a field.
Nuns, nuns and other concubines are all agents of adultery and theft. Beautiful slaves and charming concubines are not a blessing for the boudoir.
Slaves should not choose handsome clothes, and wives and concubines should avoid wearing colorful clothes.
This passage is concise and comprehensive, covering all aspects, and every word is useful. It yearns for a hard-working, simple, long-term and healthy pastoral life, and every sentence is a golden saying for living at home.
2. Do not take advantage of others when doing business with them.
Although our ancestors have been away from us for a long time, we must offer sacrifices sincerely.
Even if the descendants are stupid, they cannot help but read the scriptures.
We must pursue simplicity and simplicity in our conduct, and teach our children to abide by the rules and regulations of doing things.
Don’t be greedy for unexpected sudden gains, and don’t drink too much.
Don’t take advantage when doing business with shoulder-to-shoulder vendors.
When you encounter poor relatives and neighbors, send more warmth and assistance.
If you use mean means to make a fortune, there is no reason to enjoy happiness for a long time; if there is confusion and violation in ethics and morality, you will die immediately.
Among brothers, uncles and nephews, the rich should share money to support the poor; the elders, the young, and both internally and externally should speak strictly and have serious family rules.
What kind of man is it to listen to a woman’s prejudices and alienate flesh and blood? If you value money and treat your parents lightly, you are hardly a son of man.
When marrying a daughter, you should choose an ideal son-in-law, and do not ask for a generous dowry; when marrying a daughter-in-law, you should choose a virtuous woman, and do not care about whether there is a generous dowry.
This passage focuses on dealing with the human relations between up, down, left, right and inside and outside.
When marrying a wife or choosing a son-in-law, you must follow the principle of valuing people over wealth. Within the family, you must pay attention to unity and abide by the ethical order and the principle of dividing the rich and benefiting the few.
In particular, the reprimands of valuing wealth, neglecting parents, and being an unworthy child, as well as the advice of not taking advantage of others in trade, are enough to shock people and encourage them to return to their own lives and cultivate virtue.
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