Qin Yuanchun Xue Mao Zedong
Look at what the northern countries have shown: a hundred miles of frozen Go; Thousands of miles of snow. Look at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, it is so vast; When the river rises and falls, it loses momentum. The mountains are like dancing silver snakes, and the highlands are like advancing wax elephants, all trying to match the sky in height. When the weather is fine, look at the sunny market. What a charming sight! This land is so beautiful that countless heroes bow to their knees. Cherish Qin Huang Hanwu, slightly lost literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish. Genghis Khan, the hero of the throne, only knows how to draw a bow and shoot arrows. These characters are gone, a few heroes who can make contributions, look at today's people.
"Qinyuan Spring Snow" eulogized the majesty and magnificence of the motherland's mountains and rivers, and more importantly, praised today's revolutionary heroes. Express Mao Zedong's great ambition and mind. This is a word written by Mao Zedong in February 1936. Poetry is divided into two parts: the first part describes the snow scene in the north, which is warm and cold at first, and shows the magnificent mountains and rivers of the great motherland; Next, President Mao Zedong lamented the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, drew out heroes such as Qin Huang Hanwu, and commented on heroes of past dynasties.