We are most familiar with Kong Rong. When he was four years old, he knew humility. There are seven brothers in his family, and he ranks sixth. He is famous for holding the smallest pear. A four-year-old child is so good at being a man that he will definitely do great things in the future. Therefore, this matter is listed as a moral model and an example for others to learn.
We are familiar with Wang Xizhi, but we all know that he is a famous calligrapher in history. He became an internet celebrity at the age of seven. He became famous because of an idiom, which he left behind. It is said that when the emperor of Jin Dynasty wanted to worship his ancestors, he was asked to write a congratulatory message, and then a carpenter carved it. The carpenter carved three feet and saw the bottom of the ink. So he praised Wang Xizhi for his strong brushwork.
Wei Jie is one of the four handsome guys. He was born in a very good family. In today's words, he is Gao Fushuai. At the age of five, grandpa praised him for his unusual appearance, and even caused public outcry when he went out of the street. They even nicknamed him "Jade Man". As an adult, his facial features are not deformed, but more and more handsome. So when he went out on the street at the age of 27, he was suddenly surrounded. Seeing this battle, he panicked and died in a hubbub.