Wang Xianzhi is the youngest son of Wang Xizhi, ranking seventh. He has six brothers and one sister in the world.
In the seventh year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Xizhi was forty-nine years old. He became a general of the right army and studied the literature and history of Huiji. His family left the capital Jiankang (now Nanjing, Jiangsu) and came to Shanyin County, Huiji. This year, Wang Xianzhi was seven or eight years old and began to learn to write with his father.
One day, Xianzhi practiced calligraphy in front of the model. Wang Xizhi crept up behind him, suddenly grabbed the pen tube and pulled it up, but did not pull out the brush in his hand. Wang Xizhi sighed: "This son's words will be famous in the future!"
Later generations explained that the dedication was hard and the pen was firmly tied, so Wang Xizhi knew that calligraphy would be famous when he grew up. Su Dongpo disagreed with this explanation. He believes that calligraphers write with pens not with all their strength, but naturally and without losing their statutes. This is the right way. Wang Xizhi praised the children's dedication in words. Otherwise, powerful people in the world will write books!
2. Zheng Banqiao studied calligraphy.
Zheng Banqiao, one of the Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou, loved calligraphy since childhood, copying various calligraphy styles of famous ancient calligraphers. After some hard work, he finally wrote something almost identical to his predecessors, which can be confused. But people don't appreciate his calligraphy very much, and he is in a hurry. He studies and practices harder than before.
One summer night, he and his wife were sitting outside enjoying the cool. He wrote on his thigh with his finger and on his wife. His wife hit his hand angrily and said, "You have your body, and I have my body. Why not write about your own body and write about other people's bodies? "
When sleeping at night, Zheng Banqiao thought, everyone has his own body, and writing has his own font, which is different! Why do I always learn other people's fonts instead of writing my own style? Even if you learn the same as others, it's just someone else's font. What's the point without innovation and your own style?
From then on, he learned from the strengths of various schools, combined official script with seal script, grass, lines and model letters, and used painting to write, and finally formed a "six books and a half" which was highly praised by people and often called "rocky pile", and became a famous painter and calligrapher with high reputation in Qing Dynasty.
Xiaoxian is a master.
Legend has it that Xiao Xian, a calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, got together with well-written children in the village when he was a child and had a "Chinese character writing competition". An old man who cut firewood passed by and saw them writing, so he put down his firewood and came to see it. The little fairy held up the banner of "the best in the world" written by herself for the old woodcutter to read. The old man said, "This word is not well written. How can you call it the first? " Xiaoxian said unconvinced: "Then please write and let us open our eyes?"
The old man took off a straw sandal, dipped his toe in ink, and with a wave of his hand, wrote the word "one" on the paper. This is vigorous, vigorous, thick and unrestrained, with a deep brushwork. Xiaoxian was shocked to see it. He immediately knelt in front of the old man and said, "Grandpa, I want to worship you as a teacher." The old man said: "The word' one' is like firewood, and it must be both rigid and flexible." After learning from the teacher, Xiaoxian posted the word "one" written by the old man on the bedside, watched and pondered his brushwork every day, and finally became a calligrapher.
4, concentrate on learning ink as a meal.
Wang Xizhi devoted himself to writing when he was a child. Once, he was so absorbed in writing in his study that he forgot to eat. Mother had to send him rice, including steamed bread and Wang Xizhi's favorite garlic paste. My mother came to see Xiao Xizhi in the study, and she laughed her head off as soon as she entered the study. It turned out that Wang Xizhi read the copybook while eating, and ate the ink as garlic paste, which made his mouth black. It was not until he heard his mother laugh that he suddenly realized.
5. Zhang Zhilin Chi
Calligrapher Zhang Zhi has profound attainments and outstanding contributions in calligraphy. Zhang Zhi studied classics and history from childhood, studied calligraphy diligently, and practiced calligraphy without choosing paper and pen. Sometimes he dipped the rag in water to write on the stone, and sometimes he scratched on the table with chopsticks. Even the cloth and silk sewn at home were colored first and then dyed. But his writing posture is very exquisite, and he often waves his hair at the bronze mirror, so that he can clearly see his front and back through the reflection on the mirror.
In order to practice calligraphy, Zhang Zhi dug a West Weir Lake in Fiona Fang at home. After finishing his homework for a day, he went to the pond to wash the ink left on the inkstone and brush to prolong their service life. He washed and washed for a long time, and the clear water in the whole pond was dyed black. Later, people called practicing calligraphy "Linchi", which evolved from the story of Zhang Zhi learning books.
Baidu Encyclopedia _ Wang Xizhi (a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty)