Yang Wen and Yin Wen are just two expressions of seals, and there is no absolute use or non-use. Everyone can prepare. Everyone who paints and writes will not only have one chapter, there are many, including Yin and Yang, and I also have dozens of chapters, not too many. Change according to the picture. Fiona Fang is just a stamp shape, so you can choose according to the shape and size of your picture. There is no absolute pressure. Generally, the size of the seal should be selected according to the size of the picture. The chapter of the big picture should be larger and the chapter of the small picture should be smaller. There are exceptions, such as the old man in Qianlong. A piece of "Treasure of Qianlong Imperial View" can cover half a painting, making future generations want to cry.
The name stamp takes your name as an example, such as Wang Li, Wang Liyin, Wang Liyin or Mo Zhu, Zhu Moyin and Zhu Moyin. Or use "Wang" or "Li" alone, both at the same time, or alone. In addition, you can carve some idle chapters. The content can be your artistic pursuit, a sentence you like, or a name you draw. Anything interesting can be done, and there are no specific restrictions. Some interesting contents carved by predecessors, such as "little people have mothers", "common people" and "old swords", are random and interesting.
In addition, there is Xiao Zhuan. Learn more and you'll know.