0. The wife calls the husband who is a programmer: buy ten steamed buns on the way off work. If you see a watermelon seller, buy one. That night, my husband came into the house with a steamed stuffed bun in his hand. The wife said angrily, why do you only buy a steamed stuffed bun? ! My husband was scared and muttered to himself, because I really saw the watermelon seller. "
1. A programmer went for an interview, and the interviewer asked, "You have only graduated for two years. How did you get these three years of work experience? " ! "The programmer replied," overtime. "
2. A programmer is very interested in calligraphy and decides to make achievements in this field after retirement. So I spent a lot of money to buy a first-class Four Treasures of the Study. One day, after dinner, I suddenly became cheerful, polished the paper and ordered good sandalwood, which was quite like Wang Xizhi's demeanor and Yan Zhenqing's momentum. After a moment of meditation, I splashed ink and solemnly wrote a line: Hello, world.