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Zheng Banqiao was good at calligraphy and was a man of his own. A salt merchant asked him for calligraphy and received a hundred gold as a reward. Zheng Gong had a proud temperament and refused to look back. The salt merchant did not do anything. He loved dog meat the most. He went out to the city one day and came back in the evening. He suddenly smelled the fragrance of dog meat. Shunxiang found a place and saw only a bamboo fence, a thatched house and a half-open firewood door, so he went straight in. The owner was surprised to see an uninvited guest, Mr. Zheng. He said: "I am Zheng Banqiao. I just smelled the scent of dog meat and walked in casually. I know it is a sin of being abrupt, but I still want to ask for a taste of delicious food." The host was very happy and said: I have heard about the name for a long time, and I was worried that the invitation would not be accepted. You are so lucky to be here today." I let him enter the house. Zheng Gong crouched on the table and ate. He stroked his belly and said he would stop eating when he was full. The master led him into the study to drink tea and talk. There were famous people hanging on the walls. There were many scrolls on the calligraphy desk, and the paper and ink were placed there. Knowing that the master was also proficient in calligraphy and painting, he said to him: "If you eat your delicious food, please use words as reward." The master smiled and nodded. Zheng Gong took the pen He wrote wildly until his wrist became weak and then left. One day, Zheng Gong accidentally arrived at a business and saw that all the banners hanging were written in a place outside the city. He was shocked and questioned the merchants. The merchants told him one by one and called out one of them. The servant asked: "Sir, do you know this person?" Zheng Gong was shocked when he saw him. He was the owner of the dog meat that day. Habit: like very much Bo: approaching, close to Ming: tea, as a verb here, drink tea: once upon a time, previously