Step 2: Enter the text. Take the following figure as an example. The default color font is black. Select the selection tool to select a font. In case of selection, you can use the color adjustment on the right to change the color of the font. The color palette on the right is not displayed. Click Window-Check Palette in the menu bar, and the palette on the right will be displayed. The shortcut key is H.
Step 3: The second color matching method, select the color picker in the left toolbar, and you can select the color in the color picker to adjust the font color.
Step 4: After adjusting the color, click the OK button on the right with the left mouse button.
Step 5: The following figure is an example of adjusting the pink color for the font, and the font displayed after color adjustment. In this case, the color adjustment is the whole font exchange, and the color is changed, so all the words are the same color, and the font cannot be changed one by one, which is somewhat monotonous. Next, I will introduce the fonts to be changed one by one.
Step 6: Change the color of fonts one by one. The steps are to find the text in the menu bar above-create an outline, then ungroup the objects-twist the text to make it have the function of a picture, and then you can edit and change the color one by one.
Step 7: Select the selection tool in the toolbar, and select the word whose color you want to change. If it is selected, you can use the color swatch or color picker to adjust the color according to Step 2 or Step 3.
Step 8: Change the color of fonts one by one. This step is troublesome and time-consuming. The following figure shows the effect of replacing colors. You can save it if you change the color.