The above inscriptions can best reflect the characteristics of Qin Zhuan. Round and full lines are even and neat, and the characters formed by these lines are upright and dignified, which is easy to produce dense and imposing effects. We can feel the awe-inspiring spirit of unifying the Qin Dynasty, and it is an inevitable trend for Qin Zhuan to become the official script of the Qin Dynasty. The pen is neat and fine, the pen is slightly smooth, and it is round and neat. This kind of writing of fairy jade chopsticks is also called "jade chopsticks seal". Qing Guifu said: "Xiao Zhuan is much less in prose and much more in ancient prose." Compared with Shi Guwen and Qin Gonggui, the stone carvings in Qin Dynasty are simpler.
Langxietai stone carving