Jin led his troops to stop in Guangwu to arrest him. Jing He and others heard about it and retreated. He was also the governor of Sizhou, and he still led his troops to build Yangzhi, Baijia, and Huyan garrison in Yiyang, and set up garrison before returning. Hou Jingzhi went to southern Henan, and the Western Wei Dynasty Yi and the three commanders, Wang Sizheng, entered Yingchuan. Shizong sent Gao Yue, Murong Shaozong, Liu Feng and others to lead the crowd to surround them. The imperial governor Peng Le, Ke Zhuhun Daoyuan and others were ordered to leave Tunheyang to cut off their way to rescue. He also ordered Jin to lead a group of people to attack Yingchuan. When things were settled, Jin led his troops to send Mi Yiyang from Guban. Ma Shaolong, the Jiuqu garrison general of the Western Wei Dynasty, fought in a dangerous position and was defeated by Jin. He was awarded the title of male from Anping County based on his merit. Xianzu accepted Zen and was granted the title of Prince of Xianyang County, and the governor remained as before. In the winter of that year, he went to Jinyang Palace. The emperor was lucky enough to visit his house when he was suffering from a gold disease, and he gave him medicine and sent constant envoys. He recovered and returned to the state. In three years, the grand master will be eliminated. The emperor conquers thieves, and gold follows the emperor. When the army returned, the emperor was lucky to be in Sizhou and shot away with Jin Yan. Four years later, the state was liberated and Taishi returned to Jinyang. The charioteer returned to his position, and the Sixth Palace and all the kings followed him. They drank wine and had fun, and stopped at the end of the night. Emperor Xinshen ordered Fengle, the second son of Jin, to be the General of the Military Guard. Because of this, he said to Jin: "The emperor has served his orders, and father and son are loyal. I should get married and be a Tibetan guard forever." He still ordered Jin's grandson Wudu to Shangyi. Princess Ning. On the day of the ceremony, the emperor went to the Xingjin residence with the empress dowager, the queen, the prince and all the kings, etc., and they were treated like this. Later, Ruru was defeated by the Turks, and the tribes were scattered. Fearing that it would invade the fortress and frighten the border people, he ordered Jin and 20,000 cavalry to garrison the Baidao to prepare for it. However, the handsome Doupo Tujiubi wanted to cross westward with more than 3,000 households, and the waiting cavalry returned the report. Jinle's troops pursued and captured all of them. Ruru Danbo moved his whole country to the west, and Jin was sent by his waiting cavalry, showing that Chen Lu could attack them. Xianzu then led the crowd to fight with the Jin Dynasty against Turai, and returned with more than 20,000 households. He was promoted to the right prime minister, moved to Qizhou Qian, and moved to the left prime minister.
Su Zong practiced and accepted his granddaughter as the crown princess. He also ordered Jin to come to court and lead the chariot to the steps. When the ancestor ascended to the throne, he was treated with great courtesy and made his granddaughter the crown princess. The eldest son of Jin, General Guangda, the second son Xian and Sun Wudu jointly opened the Yitong Sansi Division and left the town of Fangyue. The other descendants were all granted the title of Hou Guida. One family, one queen...