Wang Xiu (334-357) was born in Linyi (now Linyi City, Shandong Province), the son of Wang Meng. He was a writer and calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He is good at official and running scripts, and makes friends with Wang Xizhi and Xu Xun. In the first year of Shengping (357), Wang Xiu died at the age of 24.
Wang Xiu, whose name is Jingren and whose name is Gou Zi, is the next official.
When Wang Xiu was a teenager, he was famous for his kindness. At the age of thirteen, I wrote On the Sages. After reading On the Sages, Liu Yi was amazed. Wang Xiu is good at official script and running script.
On one occasion, Wang Youjun asked Wang Xizhi for ink, and he wrote a piece of "The Painting of Dong Fangshuo" for Wang Xizhi. Wang Sengqian said: "Wang Renjing's calligraphy has learned all the subtleties of Wang Xizhi." Whenever I saw the calligraphy, I exclaimed, "Wang's calligraphy is progressing rapidly and imposing!"
In 357, the first year of Jin Mu Shengping, 24-year-old Wang Xiu died. Earlier, Wang Dao, the minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was fond of Zhong's calligraphy. Although he was in turmoil, he still hid Zhong You's original calligraphy in his belt and often showed it to others.
After coming to Jiangnan, Wang Dao gave the original Zhong You to Wang Xizhi, and later Wang Xizhi gave them to Wang Xiu. After Wang Xiu's death, his mother saw that her son loved these Mo Bao very much, so she put them in Wang Xiu's coffin and buried them with him. Wang Xiu's official script and running script have reached the magical realm.
Extended data:
Gou Xiu's father, Wang Meng, was also a famous figure in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
Wang Meng (309 -347) was born in Jinyang, Taiyuan (now Taiyuan, Shanxi). Celebrities and consorts in the eastern jin dynasty. Sima Yu, the king of Huiji who won the Fuzheng, relied heavily on him, and the official was the head of Situ.
Wang Meng was bohemian when he was young, and then he began to restrain himself and encourage himself, thus gaining a good reputation for elegance and chic. Wang Meng is as famous as Liu Ba. They are good friends. They praised each other. At that time, people regarded Liu Bi as Xun Can. Wang Meng was compared with Yuan Huan and became an elegant and chic celebrity model at that time.
Wang Meng-Baidu Encyclopedia
Wang Xiu-Baidu encyclopedia