Wang Xizhi's father is Wang Kuang, the younger brother of Prime Minister Wang Dao. The Wangs have been good at books for generations. It is said that Wang Xizhi read his father's On Pen when he was a child, and studied with his uncle Wang Xun. At the age of seven, he was considered a good book.
When I was older, I was taken around by my mother to visit relatives and friends and learn from my teachers.
The image of Wang Xizhi's mother in TV series
Who is Wang Xizhi's mother? It's still inconclusive. Some people say their surname is Xiahou, others say their surname is Zhuge, and some people say their surname is Wei. There is only one place that says her surname is Wei and she is an orphan, but it may be this orphan who is the most reliable.
Because we know that Wang Xizhi studied calligraphy with Mrs. Wei when he was a child, and he learned it very closely and deeply. At this time, the queen mother may be around, listening to "falling rocks from the mountains" and watching "Long live the withered vine". She and Mrs. Wei went out to Anyi, Hedong (Xiaxian, Shanxi) together, and they are sisters of our family. Please ask your good sister to give your son a calligraphy class. Don't worry, and so does the Wangs.
This is Wang Xizhi's famous menstruation Post. It was verified that the aunt who mourned in the post was Mrs. Wei. If this theory holds, there is no doubt that Wang Xizhi's mother's surname is Wei.
Wang Xizhi's mother took him everywhere to learn art, a bit like today's mother took her children to various training classes, only taking pains for their bright future.