In the fifth year of Dongsheng Ping, Wang Xizhi died in Jinji Jinting and was buried in Jinting Waterfall Mountain. Sun Hengshe's fifth residence is Jinting Temple, and his current address still exists. During the reign of Liang Datong, the military shrine of dried bean curd in Chien Sun was in front of the tomb.
The cause of Wang Xizhi's death has always been a mystery, and opinions vary. First of all, this is the most common saying, that is, death; The second theory is that Jin Ting returned to North Korea by mistake, and his Majesty was beheaded in Beijing before going through the three customs. Third, he said that he died after taking drugs by mistake after practicing in Jinting. There are different opinions about where Wang Xizhi will die after going to court, because the historical records are vague.
According to unofficial history's records, Wang Xizhi wrote countless calligraphy and paintings in his life, and his fame spread far and wide. His neighbors, Mr. Zhao Lao and Wang Xizhi's family, have been friends for generations, which makes Mr. Zhao feel a little sorry. Yes, Wang Xizhi wrote countless calligraphy and paintings with others in his life, but never wrote a word to Mr. Zhao.
On this day, Mr. Zhao came to the Wangs and explained his purpose to them. He wants to ask Wang Xizhi to write a few words for him. Wang Xizhi was ashamed to hear that his good neighbor hadn't written a word for years. He's really sorry. He asked Mr. Zhao to prepare drawing paper and write it another day. The next day, Teacher Zhao prepared a paper and went to the Wangs to ask Wang Xizhi to write it. Wang Xizhi looked for a long time and didn't speak. Teacher Zhao has wiped the ink and is waiting for Wang Xizhi to write.
I saw Wang Xizhi eat enough ink in the brush and hold it tightly in his hand. When he was about to write a letter, he suddenly stopped and turned to apologize to Miss Zhao. "I'm sorry, I feel nothing today. I don't know how to spell this word. You are my good neighbor. Our families have been friends for decades. I must write a good hand. You deserve our friendship. " Ok, come the day after tomorrow and let me think about it for two days. '
Asking others to write will force others to write. Although Miss Zhao didn't quite understand it, she happily agreed and decided to write it the afternoon after tomorrow. On the afternoon of the third day, Mr. Zhao came to Wang's house according to the contract, grinding ink, laying paper and writing pens. As soon as Wang Xizhi's brush fell, he stopped again, put down his pen and said to Mr. Zhao regretfully, "I'm not feeling well today and I'm not suitable for writing." Come back the day after tomorrow. "
Miss Zhao didn't say anything on the surface, but she was very unhappy. You finished writing with others in one breath, so I thought you could help me write a word. I struggled several times, but I still couldn't find the reason. Three days later, Teacher Zhao went to Wang Xizhi's home again. Wang Xizhi looked at Xuan paper and studied it for a long time. Suddenly, he drank enough ink with a brush, scribbled on the paper and splashed black spots.
But just after writing the horizontal pen, I heard Wang Xizhi's "Ah", and my hand holding the pen was loose. The brush slipped from his hand and fell to the ground. The man leaned back and fainted. After the rescue failed, a generation of famous teacher Wang Xizhi died like this.
Wang Xizhi's death made Teacher Zhao very uneasy. A good neighbor has never written a word to himself in his life, so he is ready. He drew a word before he finished, and everyone was exhausted. The death of Wang Xizhi also made Mr. Zhao's unfinished painting and calligraphy a masterpiece. Teacher Zhao carefully put this calligraphy and painting away and told future generations to take good care of it in order to pin their thoughts on the great master Wang Xizhi.