1, Xu Beihong is good at drawing horses; Qi Baishi is good at painting shrimp; Huangzhou is good at painting donkeys; Li Keran is good at drawing cows; Wu Zuoren is good at drawing pandas; Wu Guanzhong is good at drawing bridges; Li Kuchan is good at drawing eagles; Han Meilin is good at drawing animals; Shi Tao is good at painting landscapes; Zheng Banqiao is good at drawing bamboo.
2. Zhang Daqian (1899 ~ 1983), formerly known as Zhengquan, later renamed yuán, whose name is Daqian, alias Daqian Jushi and Xialiba, and named Dafeng Hall.
Zhang Daqian is the most legendary master of Chinese painting in China in the 20th century. He knows everything about painting, calligraphy, seal cutting and poetry. In his early years, he devoted himself to studying ancient calligraphy and painting, especially landscape painting. After living abroad, the style of painting combined with words, heavy color and ink painting, especially splashing ink and setting colors, created a new artistic style.
Baidu encyclopedia? Zhang Daqian