When it came out, it was clear and prosperous, and it was full of joy. See the Duke of Zhou with ambition and chin. Zhongde collar clothes, Wusun breast-feeding. The golden bell is white, but the winter sacrifice is different.
It is pointed out that the appearance of wolves is a splendid sight, symbolizing auspiciousness and happiness. Zi Chu is famous for his ambition, while Duke Zhou is famous for his tail: he praised the wolf's ambition and outstanding talent with the allusions of Zi Chu and Duke Zhou.
Zhong De leads clothes to benefit, Wu Sun feeds: Express gratitude and respect for wolves through the allusions of Zhong De and Wu Sun. The golden bell jar is white, but the winter sacrifice is different: praise the uniqueness and Excellence of the wolf with golden and winter scenes.
Extended data:
Wolf is a five-character poem written by Ding Wei in Song Dynasty. Ding Wei was a writer, politician and calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty. He used to be a senior official. His poetic style is fresh, natural and full of philosophy, and he was appraised as "a poet among poets" by later generations.
Through the description of the wolf in the poem, it shows the wildness and fierceness of the wolf, as well as its wisdom and courage. Wolves must rely on their wisdom and courage to hunt food and protect themselves in the wild environment. This poem expresses praise for courage, freedom and self-struggle through the image of a wolf.
A large number of allusions and images are used in poetry, which enriches the connotation and expressive force of poetry. For example, the phrase "ambition knows Zi Chu" uses Zi Chu's allusions to express the ambition and extraordinary talent of wolves; The phrase "See Duke Zhou at the end of his chin" expresses the indomitable spirit of the wolf in the face of difficulties and challenges with the allusion of Duke Zhou.
The phrase "loyalty leads to clothing" expresses gratitude and respect for wolves with the allusion of loyalty; The sentence "Wusun's contribution to wet nurses" emphasizes the important role of wolves in life with Wusun's allusions.
In a word, Wolf is an excellent five-character poem with the theme of Wolf. He praised the spirit of courage, freedom and self-struggle by describing the image and spirit of the wolf. At the same time, a large number of allusions and images are used in the poem, which enriches the connotation and expressive force of the poem. These allusions and images not only have cultural connotation and symbolic significance, but also can arouse readers' association and thinking.