How about Xiaoshan Hu Xiang Normal Primary School?
Xiaoshan Hu Xiang Normal Primary School is good. Xiaoshan Hu Xiang Normal Primary School has 28 standard classrooms and 12 special classrooms. Computer language lab, reading room laboratory, music room, dance room, art room, calligraphy room, library, reading room for teachers and students, studio and other special classrooms and auxiliary rooms are readily available. There are 1 provincial special-grade teachers, 8 senior middle school teachers and 13 new teaching talents in Hangzhou, of which more than 60% have honorary titles above district level. As a century-old prestigious school, the school has many honors: Hangzhou Sports Characteristic School, Xiaoshan District Art Characteristic School, Xiaoshan District Sports Characteristic School, Xiaoshan District Teaching and Research Characteristic School, etc. So Xiaoshan Hu Xiang Normal Primary School is good.