What pedantic scholars were there in ancient times?
Lu Ru, the hero of Zhongshu, is from Kunshan. Knowledgeable and good at writing articles. This paper studies the calligraphy styles of Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, and imitates those of Ou Yangxun and Yan Zhenqing. Self-esteem is very strong, and honesty is hard to compare with secular people. Someone asked him how to write the first draft of the article, and he said, "I just have a back draft." I used to listen to inquiries in Hanlin House. One day, the emperor urged me to write an essay "Xue Fu", which was written in such a hurry that I couldn't write it at once. I waved, and the little champion saw it, so he could only spit out his tongue and walked away. "Most of his articles are out of circulation now. However, he is quite like a pedantic, eccentric and unreasonable person. A man named Chen Mengdong invited him to drink. When he entered the door, he happened to see an anthology of Hu Zhongzi. During the dinner, he looked at the book in his hand and didn't talk to everyone. Even if someone laughed at him, he ignored it. One day, an important official in the village visited him. He studied in the pavilion and didn't come out for a long time. His son and nephew invited him to the scene twice to receive the guests, saying, "The guests have been waiting for a long time." He suddenly replied, "How do you know what books he has read? "