"The Analects of Confucius·Li Ren" says: "When parents are here, if you don't travel far away, you will have a way to travel." The ancients also said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop; the child wants to be nurtured but cannot be loved." If your parents are here, your heart will have a home; if your parents are away, your heart will be at a loss. The greatest separation in life is separation between life and death. If parents are alive, there is still a place to come in life; if parents are gone, there is only a way back in this life.
This book "Ten Thousands of Lights, One Home", launched by Beijing United Publishing Company, takes family and family ties as the theme, and includes works by Shen Congwen, Wang Zengqi, Liang Shiqiu, Feng Zikai, Mao Dun, Jiang Xun, Zhou Guoping, 16 well-known writers, including Su Tong, Feng Jicai, Shi Tiesheng, and Zong Pu, recall 15 of their father's classic works and 21 of their mother's unforgettable and touching masterpieces. They aim to use the memories of their parents and review of their growth experiences to use affectionate words. Missing shows the life of parents.
This collection of famous essays is divided into two parts, the father's chapter and the mother's chapter. The chapter on fathers includes the memories of their fathers by Jiang Xun, Zhou Guoping, Wang Zengqi, Feng Zikai, Shen Congwen, Mao Dun, Sun Li, Bing Xin, Lin Haiyin, Su Tong, Bi Feiyu, Feng Jicai and Zong Pu. Among them are famous works such as Mao Dun's "My Father", Zhou Guoping's "The Death of My Father" and Sun Li's "My Father's Memory" that we are familiar with.
The father in the book forged their characters with perseverance and generosity, allowing them to establish a correct outlook on life as they grew up, turning them into upright men. Several writers used time as the line and memories as the theme, embracing their father's love in the depths of their memories. The ordinary and great father's love in each article became the direction to guide their lives.
Maybe it’s just a small thing, but it still fills them with memories. Just like Jiang Xun's description of his father's memories in his work "The Years My Father Holds My Hand Writing": My father's hands are very strong and stable. I secretly felt the warmth of my father's palms and my father's even and steady breathing behind my head. It seems that my deepest memory of the first calligraphy class is not just writing, but the close physical contact with my father.
In the mother chapter, the relatively large amount of space further proves that mother has brought a deeper and unforgettable touch to each writer in life. Shi Tiesheng wrote in "The Temple of Earth and Me": I put down the book and thought about how many anxious roads my mother had to go through to find her son in such a big garden. For the first time in many years, I realized that not only were my car tracks everywhere in this garden, but also my mother’s footprints were everywhere where my car tracks were.
The entire collection of essays takes "family and family love" as the theme, and uses memories throughout the entire timeline, allowing us to follow in the footsteps of 16 well-known writers and enter the years they lived that were full of warmth and touching. Get a glimpse of the indelible warmth in time. They use vivid brushwork to tell the past in their memories, and use old childhood moments to illuminate the bits and pieces of their memories.