If you copy the Heart Sutra, you can write it to yourself at will. If you write to others, you need to divide the situation. If it is an elder, there are my teachers, Taoist priests, seniors, sir and madam.
Close people are Xue Ren and my brother. Teachers have brothers to learn (benevolence), brothers to learn (benevolence), deeds to be virtuous and brothers to be virtuous. There are seniors, schoolmates, classmates, inkstones and seats among the students. Buddhist scriptures must use "respecting books" to count as gifts. In addition, the date doesn't need to be too detailed to appear verbose, and the solar terms are generally indicated.
Heart meridian:
Heart Sutra is a classic Buddhist sutra that Buddhists must read and know. The full name is Maha Prajna paramita Sutra.
Referred to as Prajna Heart Sutra or Heart Sutra. Only one volume, 260 words. It belongs to a section of the 600-volume Dapin Prajna Sutra, and it is the classic work with the least number of words in Buddhist scriptures. Because it has the least words, the deepest meaning, the most legends and the greatest influence, it is considered as the summary of Prajna Sutra. This classic has been published in seven Chinese versions.
The famous ones are the Maha Prajna Paramita's Ming Zun Jing translated by Kumarajiva at the end of Qin Dynasty and the Prajna Paramita's Heart Sutra translated by Xuanzang in Tang Dynasty.