What is Li Shimin’s personality like? And how to develop it?

Evaluation of "Old Book of Tang":

Shi Chen said: Emperor Guanwen made many extraordinary fortunes and was clever and powerful. If you choose a good person, you will not be selfish to the party; if you lose your ambition, you will make the best use of your talents. Therefore, Qu Tu and Yu Chi were enemies and were willing to devote themselves to each other; Ma Zhou and Liu Jie were alienated from each other and died at Jun Heng. Finally, peace and stability, please forgive me. Try to discuss it: the foundation is moist and the clouds are booming, the insects are chirping and the katydids are jumping. Even though the sages of Yao and Shun could not bring peace to the people by means of 梼杌 and qiongqi, the wise people of Yi and Lu could not prosper for Xia Jie and Yin Xin. When the monarch and his ministers encounter such difficulties, they will make their eyes open and their hearts will be opened, and the insects will flow and the muscles will be promoted. The wisdom of Fang and Wei is not greater than that of Qiu and Ke, and those who can respect the Lord and protect the people will suffer in times of trouble. Kuang Zhou Fa and Zhou Cheng are hereditary, and I have a legacy. Compared with the magnificence of Han Wen and Han Wu, I am ashamed of how virtuous I am. His ability to listen without confusion and to follow good deeds can last for thousands of years, just one person!

Li Shimin paid attention to pre-battle reconnaissance during the battle. Although he was in danger many times, he could know himself and the enemy in every battle, and was good at creating fighter opportunities. When the enemy was strong and we were weak, he often used the "strong wall to defeat the enemy" strategy. His tactics were used to defeat the enemy. He took the lead in the battle and personally led the cavalry to attack the enemy. After victory, he pursued the enemy bravely and did not give the enemy a chance to breathe. Therefore, he won every battle. In the war to unify the border areas, he strategized, won the battle thousands of miles away, knew generals well, selected good talents, and won the war. Li Shimin used his outstanding military talents to make great contributions to the establishment and development of the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, was a great statesman, calligrapher, outstanding leader, and an outstanding figure who influenced the course of China and the world in ancient Chinese history. He made great contributions to ancient China and was therefore revered by people; Mr. Zhu Dongyang It is said that "he is one of the most great men in China after Confucius."