But in fact, the opposite is true in history:
Xu Hui is sensible, indisputable and jealous, and is very concerned about state affairs. She saw that after years of hard work and prosperity, Emperor Taizong was a little complacent. Xu Hui felt that this wind would not last long, so she wrote to Emperor Taizong, saying, "If you are willing to suppress your will, you will cut your heart, and your end will be the same as what you started. If you cut it lightly, it will add a little more morality. If you follow the present, you will replace the former. " It is intended to persuade Emperor Taizong to guard against arrogance and rashness. Not only that, she often gave advice to Emperor Taizong, who appreciated it very much. In North Korea, Xu Hui was also appreciated by Wei Zhi, Jun Xieliang and others. Later, Mr. Yang Yiren commented on the eldest grandson queen: "Being a female queen is like this, and it will take forever." At the same time, he praised Xu Hui for "having the ears of the eldest grandson queen."
Shortly after he entered the palace, Xu Cai people named him Connie Hsu, and later he was promoted to Xu Chongrong. Wu Zetian saw that she was favored and attached herself to Xu Hui many times. Xu Hui showed no interest in her and didn't refuse to introduce her. However, Emperor Taizong still did not appreciate Wu Zetian. Xu Hui told her that "bandits treat people with their colors and people with their talents", suggesting that this is also the way that Emperor Taizong looks at people, so he taught Wu Zetian calligraphy, history and chess in the palace.
Historically, Xu Hui was virtuous and elegant, graceful and generous, and many poems handed down also reflected her exquisite diction and sentence-making, which was comparable to the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, infatuated and loyal, and was praised as the "God of Osmanthus fragrans" by later generations.
I really don't know why filming Wu Zetian's TV series should make excuses for Wu Zetian's terminating by smearing Xu Hui. ...