Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board.
He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers marvel at Wang Xizhi's pen power and perfect calligraphy skills. His pen power is actually three points, which is derived from this story.
Extended data:
Wang Xizhi is ambitious and creative. He learns from Zhong You, so he can change. Zhong Shu is still turning over, and the real book is also divided. The pen is still expanding and there is a tendency for birds to soar. The so-called bell-tailed falcon wave.
Wang Xizhi likes to chase with his hands, but it is easy to turn into a song and subtract momentum. Put a pen into it, and without turning, the so-called right army slammed down. He imitated Zhang Zhi consciously.
In his life, he exhausted all kinds of brushwork of Qin and Han seal script in the Expo, all of which were integrated into the real cursive script, forming the best posture of his time, bringing forth the new and opening up a new world for future generations.
Baidu encyclopedia-Wang Xizhi