How to "the dead are easy to fold, and the bright are easy to pollute." In Chun Xue, those who are prepared for danger in times of peace make widows. What is the translation of "name is actually diffi

How to "the dead are easy to fold, and the bright are easy to pollute." In Chun Xue, those who are prepared for danger in times of peace make widows. What is the translation of "name is actually difficult"? Tall branches or peaks are easy to break, and things that are too white and clean are also the easiest to be polluted. Elegant music like Yangchun and Snow White is rarely sung along with it. Even if a person has a grand reputation and praise, his actual behavior is actually difficult to match the praise he has received.

This sentence was written by Gu Li, a minister of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in order to persuade his friend Huang Qiong to apply for this position and help the people.

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During the Yong Jian period of Emperor Shun of Han Dynasty, Huang Qiong, who was repeatedly declined to be hired by the imperial court, refused to return to work due to illness. Coulee has always admired Huang Qiong, so he wrote this letter "Huang Qiong's Book" and urged him to come to Luoyang as soon as possible. The letter not only encouraged and persuaded him to be an official, but also put himself in the position of how to deal with his road to being an official. The whole article has both gentle and ironic persuasion and inspiring encouragement, which is euphemistic and touching, sincere and sincere.

"Fame, it is really hard to be inferior" is not only an evaluation of the conquered people, but also the meaning of encouraging and urging Huang Qiong to be vigilant. The fact that the former conqueror was unpopular was an expression of his deep feelings. It is both a vague warning and a "provocation", but it is only expressed in twists and turns.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Huang Qiongshu's Heritage