(1) Jinyang Qiu said: Liu Hong's courtesy name is Shuhe, and he is Xi's younger brother. Hong was the same year as Jin Shizu and lived in the same area. He repeatedly ascended to the throne due to his old kindness. From Jing to Hong, he was not famous in the world, but had political talents. At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, Hong opened the palace for the chariot and cavalry general, served as the governor of Jingzhou, took over the military affairs of Jingzhou, Jiao, and Guangzhou on holidays, and granted the title of Duke of Xincheng. When he was in Jiang and Han, the royal family faced many difficulties, so he had to appoint one person to do his best. He is loyal to the people, strict with justice, simple in prison, and engaged in farming and mulberry planting. Every time there was a boom, Ding Ning wrote handwritten notes on the prefecture and state, so everyone was delighted and rushed to him. Xian said, "If I get a piece of paper from Liu Gong, I will be a good person in the ten ministries." When the emperor was in Chang'an, he ordered Hong to choose the prime minister. The soldiers of Wuling Wu Dynasty were noble, and the Yamen general Pi Chu had the honor of Jianghan. He was the prefect of Lingling in Hongshang Dynasty and the prefect of Xiangyang in the beginning. The imperial edict named Xiangyang as the county. At first, the name was Qingqian, and the son-in-law Xiahou Zhi was named Xiangyang. Hong said: "Those who rule the world should be united with the world, and those who govern a country should be united with the country. I will rule the ten counties of Jingzhou, and I will have ten sons-in-law, and then I will rule!" This means "Zhi in-laws, the old system cannot match each other." If you are a supervisor, you should be rewarded for your first service." If you listen to it, everyone will benefit from it. Xin Ran, the prefect of Guanghan, thought that the emperor was covered in dust and clouds were disturbing in all directions, and he planned to make plans for Hong. Hong killed him in anger, and everyone at that time praised him for his kindness. The Dukes of Jin praised and said: Although the world was in chaos at that time, Jingzhou was safe. Hongyou and Liu Jingsheng maintained the ambition of Jianghan and did not attach themselves to Taifu Sima Yue. The more you title it. Hui Hong died of illness. Zifan, Beizhong Langjiang.
(2) Sima Biao's preface to the biography says: Lang's grandfather was handsome, with different characters, erudite and fond of ancient times, suave and generous. It is eight feet three inches long, has a belt of ten circumferences, and has a tall and tall appearance. It is different from others. It belongs to the Xiangdang clan and is close to Xianjing. He became the prefect of Yingchuan. Fu Fang, whose courtesy name is Jiangong, has a straightforward nature. Although he lives at banquets, he is not dignified. There are hundreds of thousands of satires and recitations of Yahao Hanshu's biographies of famous officials. In Shaoshizhou County, he served as Luoyang Ling and Jing Zhaoyin, and he became the Cavalry Captain because of his old age. Yangzhilu Lane, close the door and guard yourself. Although the disciples are crowned adults, they dare not enter if they are not ordered to do so. They dare not sit down if they are not ordered to do so. They dare not speak unless they ask questions. This is the solemn relationship between father and son. Year seventy-one, the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an comes to an end. He has eight sons, among whom Lang is the eldest, and the second is Emperor Xuan of Jin Dynasty.
(3) The case of Chensong makes this pair clear, but it is just to describe his outstanding merits and virtues, but not to teach him. He didn't explain it himself, but Zhuo then said, "I also understand it, and you mean it"! The words of guest and host are like being indifferent to each other.
(4) Wei Shu said: Emperor Wen was good at discussing things and ordered his secretary to record his articles. Sun Sheng said: Since Yao has been lost, Lang has not been gained. In the past, "Tang promoted Yi Yin, but those who were not benevolent were far away." Yi said, "The son of the Yan family is almost a commoner! There is something wrong that he doesn't know about, and he knows that he doesn't do it again." From this point of view, saints and great sages follow the same hidden path, they read the scrolls in the same way, they resist the wind and wind in the world, and there is no difference in reason. How can the beauty of rising to perfection be accumulated in the world? "A good man has been a country for a hundred years, but he can still defeat and kill the bad." It is also said that "if you don't follow the traces, you won't enter the house." After talking about it for several generations, this is what it is! The great virtuous people in Fang are born in time.
(5) The book of Wei said: Lang came to his death and said to the soldiers: "The governor has been favored by the country and has overseen thousands of miles. However, he has done little to achieve success. However, he is suffering from this epidemic and cannot save himself. He has failed the country." En. After he died, he kept his cloth clothes and scarf to keep him in good condition. Don't go against my will."
(6) The princes of Jin praised him and said: Wang Zichu was the eldest son of Fu. If you are talented, you will be known early. Xianxi was promoted to Situ in the middle, and was granted the title of King of Yiyang in the Jin Dynasty. He was promoted to Taiwei and Da Sima. When Shi Fu was the Dazai, the father and son occupied the public position, which had not happened since the Middle Dynasty. Hongzi Kongye, named the king of Hejian.
(7) Zizi Junchu. Zi Feng, courtesy name Zi, was a hussar general of the Jin Dynasty and was granted the title of Duke of Dongpingling. And see the names of hundreds of officials (Zhi).
(8) Wei Lue said: Xianbei Lord Yuyan is often feared by the state, but once more than 5,000 of his tribe's riders are trained, they seek mutual trade. If you don't listen, you will be afraid of resentment. If you hear about it, you will be ignored, so you allow it to go to Huikong City to do business. Then he ordered the prefectures and counties to direct the troops from the general government to the area. Before the market change was over, the city officials restrained Yi Hu. The Yan cavalry were all frightened. They mounted their horses and bent their bows to surround them. The officials and the people were frightened and did not know what to do. Xi Naixu called the city officials and asked about Hu's intentions, but Hu actually violated people. Xi Nai sent an interpreter to Hu Yan, and when Yan arrived, Xi scolded Yan and said: "You have violated the law yourself, and the officials have not invaded you. Why did you frighten the knights?" He then beheaded him, but the rest of the army was too timid to move. There will be no bandits in the future. In the 22nd year, when Taizu conquered Hanzhong, all the troops returned to Chang'an. Because Lu Xi, the king of Wuwan in Taiyuan, was left in charge of cavalry, he sent troops to garrison Chiyang in preparation for the Lu River. I once had a beloved wife who lived in Jinyang. In the past, he thought about it and was afraid that he would not be able to return, so he rebelled with his five hundred cavalry and returned to Bingzhou. He left the rest of his cavalry in the valley and rode into Jinyang alone to steal his wife. After leaving the city, the prefectures and counties were in awe; the officials and the people were afraid of the good archers in the past and did not dare to pursue him. Xi Nai ordered Zhang Jing to work and recruited Xianbei envoys to drive away Xi. In the past, the horse carried his wife, was late to remount, and was shot to death by Xianbei before he could join the others.
When Taizu heard about the rebellion in the past, he was afraid that he would cause chaos in the north. When Hui heard that he had been killed, he was overjoyed. He thought that Xi had a strategy before and after, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Guannei.
(9) Chen Songzhi thought that Xi and Wang Si were just living together in the same dormitory. Their relationship was not flesh and blood, and their righteousness was not cutting their necks. Instead, they replaced Si with their bodies and suffered unexpected disasters. Taking it as righteousness is not the elegant decree of the wise sages! Shi Qian said, "Death is heavier than Mount Tai, and lighter than a feather." Therefore, a gentleman does not live to survive, but does not live to perish. If the thought is not diverted and the Lord does not forgive, then it is said that one has passed through the ditch without knowing it. How can it be that those who are accustomed to death are righteous!
(10) Wei Lue's official biography says: Si, Xue Ti, and Quejia all started from a humble background, and their official positions were slightly higher. Among the three, Ti Chai took advantage of Confucianism and lived in Jian Province. Jia is similar to Si Shi Xing. Emperor Wen issued an edict: "Xue Ti refutes officials, and Wang Si and Que Jiachun are also officials. Each of them is given to the marquis in Guan Nei to repay his hard work." Although Si is a troubled person, he knows how to practice writing, respects the virtuous and courteous people, and pays attention to the situation. This is also how to show your name. In the middle of Zhengshi, he was a senior agricultural officer. He was old, his eyes were closed, his anger was unbridled, and his subordinates were complaining without knowing what basis they had. I have little faith in my nature, and sometimes there is an official whose father is seriously ill and is staying close to his home, confessing to asking for leave. Suspecting that it was untrue, he got angry and said: "There are people in the world who miss their wives and sick mothers, how can this be said!" Then he refused to accept the lie. The official's father will die tomorrow, but I have no regrets. It's the mean kind of thing. When I was thinking and impatient, I tried to write a book, but the flies gathered on the end of the pen, drove them away and came back again, and so on again and again. I was so angry that I couldn't catch the flies since I got up, so I took my pen and threw it on the ground, destroying it. At that time, Shi Wei of Danyang, Ni Yi of Lu County, and Hu Ye of Nanyang were also governors and county guards. People at that time called them harsh and violent. There is also Liu Lei of Gaoyang, who has been in charge of every position, especially harsh and cautious. He has cultivated people well and will not be wasted in the world. In Jiapingzhong, he was the prefect of Hongnong. There are more than 200 officials who are not allowed to take vacations. They are specially designed to take their time. If the offense is not serious, he will hit his head frequently, and he will pull his stick around, pull it out and then back in, counting four like this. He made people dig the ground to ask for money. There were holes in the city where he was. He also entrusted Jian Province to the outside world. Every time he went out, Yang ordered the governor not to ask the officials to pay homage to him. However, those who did not come were often angry and slandered. He also had little trust in his nature, so every time he sent a big official out, he would often have a small official follow him to inspect him. During the day, he would peek through the walls, and at night, he would send officials and officials to inspect the Cao Cao. Phase transfer test. Try the case and stay in the people's homes. Two dogs in a private house chased a pig, but the pig ran away in fright, stuck its head in the fence, and howled for a long time. Thinking that the outside officials were good at handling food and drink, they stopped inspecting them, so they ordered Wu Baiye and Sun Bi to come in and scold him. Bi is right, but he feels ashamed that he is unknown, because he asks about other things. Min Yinchang, a hundred years old, heard that Lei was traveling, and when he passed by, he said to his son: "Help me welcome the Lord, I want to express my kindness." His son Fuchang was on the left side of the road, Lei saw him, and he said to his son: "It's a dead person who came to see me." He treats people rudely, and this is the case. According to the old custom, there are three reasons why people refuse to slander officials and elders: relocation, exemption, and death. Lei was in Hongnong, and the officials and the people were troubled by it, so they wrote to his door: "The Lord Liu Fu is unwilling to do so for three reasons." Although Lei heard about it, he still could not change himself. Later, General Andong and King Sima Wen marched westward and passed through Hongnong. The people of Hongnong told Lei Huang that he was not allowed to be the governor of the county, so he was called in as the general of the five senses.
(11) Wei Lue said: Since he was born in a single family, he (wealthy) was well-behaved. He was a small official in the county and his family was rich. Since I was born in a poor family, I could not express my thoughts on my own, so I often kept good knives, pens, and tablets to serve the officials who were in need. I often gave them to them, so I gained insight.
(12) Sanfujue's note says: Since he was a child, (for) the county meritorious officer traveled to Yin to observe the differences, he was invited to play family, and he was honored to promise. Yin returned first and ordered the guests to prepare banquets. When they arrived, Yin's wife laughed and said, "You are so disobedient! Zhang Derong, a comatose child, is a stranger!" Yin said, "Don't be surprised, sir. He is the weapon of Uncle Fang." Yin then discussed with him the strategy of overlord. After the feast, I asked Zi Chu to entrust him. Since he was humble and accepted it, Yin firmly entrusted him. Since he had the long-term hope of Yin State, it was difficult to violate his purpose, so he agreed to it. Yin Xian had a quarrel with Hu Zhen, the captain of the Sili school, and Zhen falsely accused Yin of killing him. More than a month after Yin's death, Zhen fell ill and said to himself, "If you are guilty, if you are guilty, the ghost will come if you have done your best." So he died. At that time, Guanzhong said: "In life, you have the wisdom to know people, and in death, you have the spirit of honoring gods." Zichu's courtesy name was Zhongyun, and he was the order of Puban. When Taizu settled in Guanzhong, there was a shortage of counties in Hanxing. Taizu asked about it, and he was praised as a talented person of Chu as well as civil and military, so he thought he was the prefect of Hanxing. Then turn to Longxi. Wei Lue said: The people of Chu are generous, and they have successively appointed governors. The place is governed by kindness and does not tolerate punishment. In the middle of Taihe, Zhuge Liang came out of Longyou, and the officials and the people were in commotion. The prefects of Tianshui and Nan'an each abandoned their counties and went east, leaving Chu alone in Longxi. They summoned the officials and people and said, "The prefects have no kindness. Now that the troops from Shu have arrived, the officials and people of all the prefectures have responded. This is also the autumn of the prosperity of all ministers." Ye. The prefect is originally the governor of the country, and if he is bound to die, you can take the prefect's head and carry him there. "The officials and the people all burst into tears and said, "Death and life should be the same as those of the Ming Dynasty." Chu Fu said: "If you don't give up, I will make a plan for you. Now that the two eastern counties have gone, the invaders will definitely come, but you can hold on. If the country is rescued, the invaders will go. This is a county." If you keep your righteousness, everyone will be favored by nobles.
If the officer cannot save him and the attack on Shu becomes more urgent, it is not too late to capture the prefect and surrender. "The officials and the people then defended the city. Nan'an Guo led the Shu troops and attacked Longxi. When Chu heard that the thieves were coming, he sent his commander Shi Ma Yong to go out and set up a display. He came up to the city and called the commander of Shu, saying: "You can defeat Longxi. , so that the troops from the east cannot advance, and within one month, the officials in Longxi will surrender without attacking. " He ordered Yong to beat the drums, and the Shu people left. After more than ten days, the armies went up to Long, and Zhuge Liang defeated them. Nan'an and Tianshui were both defeated by Liang. The two commanders were severely punished, and Chu was sealed for merit. The prince, the chief minister, and his subordinates all paid homage to him. The emperor praised him and ordered him to go to the palace. He called "Longxi Prefect", Chu Dang said "Wei", and Da Ying said "Nuo". The emperor looked at it and smiled, so he stopped the meeting and asked to stay as a guard and pay homage to the Prince Consort of Chu. He was not learned, but he was fond of wandering and playing music. He played pipa, zither, and flute, and would play with him every time he came. More than ten soldiers died.
(13) Wei Lue said: Cheng Gongying was from Jincheng. At the end of Zhongping, he followed Han Yue to his heart. The party dispersed, but Ying followed alone. Dianlue said: Han Sui was in Huangzhong, and his son-in-law Yan Xing wanted to kill him, so he surrendered. He attacked at night but failed. Then he sighed and said, "My husband is in trouble, and it is a disaster for his marriage!" "Wei Ying said: "Now my relatives have rebelled, and the people have become less and less. We should go to Shu'er from the central and southwest Qiang. Ying said: "We have been building an army for decades, but now we are defeated. How can we abandon our army and rely on others?" Then he said: "I am old, what do you want to do?" "Ying said: "Cao Gong cannot come from far away, alone Xiahou'er. The people of Xiahou are not strong enough to pursue me, nor can they stay for long; they should rest among the Qiang to force them to go. When greeting old friends and meeting Qiang and Hu people in Sui, you can still do something good. "According to his plan, there were thousands of men and women accompanying him. So he was kind to the Qiang, and the Qiang guarded him. When Xia Houyuan returned, he sent Yan Xing to stay behind. He joined tens of thousands of Qiang and Hu generals to attack, and Xing wanted to leave. , Hui died, and Ying surrendered to Taizu. Taizu was very happy to see Ying, and he thought he was a military advisor. When he was out hunting, three deer passed by. He ordered Ying to shoot at them, and they all fell down in response to the string. . Gong Duizhang said: "But the Korean promise can be the end of the festival, but loneliness is not? Ying Nai dismounted, knelt down and said, "Don't bully Ming Gong." If the British master is here, he really won't come here. " Then he burst into tears and choked with sobs. The Duke praised his loyalty to the past, so he respected him personally. At the time of Yankang and Huangchu, there was a conspiracy in Hexi. The imperial edict sent Ying to assist Liangzhou Pinglongyou, but he died of illness. Wei Lue said: Yan Xing, a native of Jincheng Also, his later name was Yan, and his courtesy name was Yan Ming. He was initially a junior general, and at the beginning of Jian'an, he attacked Ma Teng, also known as Jian Chao. In the 14th year of his reign, he was sent to Taizu for an appointment. Taizu treated him favorably and asked his father to stay in the guard. The ancestors taught me: "Xie Wenyue: When you start to raise troops, you have your own forces, and I have made it clear. Come that morning, Mao Zedong will assist the country. Xingyin said about Yue: "Xing is also a general. It has been more than thirty years since the army was established. The militia is exhausted and the location is narrow. It is best to attach oneself as soon as possible." Once upon a time in Ye, I ordered my old father to visit the capital. He sincerely said that the general should also send a son to show his loyalty. "Yue said: "We can wait and see again for a few years! "After that, he sent his son to go east with his parents. He met with Yue to attack Zhang Meng in the west, and stayed behind to guard the old camp. However, Ma Chao and others formed a conspiracy and promoted him to be the governor. When Yue returned, Chao said to Yue: "Former Zhong Si The people of Guandong will not be able to trust him again if he is under the command of Ren Chao to become a general. Now Chao has abandoned his father and regards the general as his father. The general should also abandon his son and regard Chao as his son. "Xing admonished and promised, but did not want to make the order to be in harmony with Chao. The promise said to Xing: "Now all the generals have no plans to agree, it seems that there is a destiny. "Then he went to Huayin in the east. Taizu and Yue made a horse talk, and Xing followed him. Taizu looked at Xing and said: "You should be remembered as a filial son. "Zhao Zuo broke away and followed the promise to return to Jincheng. Taizu heard the previous intention of Xing, so he punished Dan Yue's descendants who were in the capital. He wrote in handwriting and Xing: "Guan Wen Yue's actions make people laugh. I wrote to him before and after, telling him everything, how can I tolerate this! Father Qing advises you to be safe. Although, prison is not a place to support relatives, and officials cannot provide for people in old age for a long time. "Yue heard that Xing's father was alone and wanted to kill him. With one intention, he forced Xing to take the girl's wife, but Xing failed. Taizu was suspicious of Xing's actions. He met with Xing to lead Xiping County separately. Then he tied up his tribe. , and he was unable to win, so he sent his family to Taizu.
(14) Wei Lue said: Xiahou Shang was the younger brother of Ruzi. The Marquis of Yanling, Zhangxiao, was riding on Sima, and was appointed as the general to conquer the south and the governor of Jingzhou and Yuzhou. In the second year of Zhengshi, Zhu Ran besieged Fancheng, and the defender Yixiu and others in the city were in desperate need of help. The few soldiers did not dare to enter, but they encouraged them and set up guides to follow them. They went six or seven miles away, soared and returned, so that the cultivators could see them from a distance and count them like this.
After more than a month, when the Taifu arrived, they both went forward and then left. At that time, it was said that Confucianism was cowardly, or that it would be better to save people by being less suspicious. Confucianism called him back and made him a servant.
(15) Wei Lue said: At the beginning, when he was a minor official in the county, Xu Ying, the meritorious Cao Cao, tried to whip himself at the age of thirty. The English name is Bo Ji, and Feng Yi is the surname. In the early days of Jian'an, he was the Puban Order. Ying has a strong nature. He sees that his clan is the best and his reputation is at the forefront in his hometown. However, he is humiliated in the past. Although he knows that he is noble and prominent, he still refuses to seek after him. Even though he succeeded, he still wanted to make peace with Ying regardless of the original plan. He was drunk and wanted to kiss Ying Ying, but Ying resisted and refused to accept her. Ying therefore ceased to be of use. Therefore, when people are good, they do not hold back old grudges, but heroes are indomitable.
(16) Wei Lue said: The Ji word is Jingzhong, the name of Taihe is Wenling, and the name is Youzhi Neng. Zhuge Liang came out to seize the advantage, and issued an edict to ask Sun Zi, the secretary of the Central Committee, who thought he had a plan, so he summoned the cavalry captain and sent him to join the expedition against the Shu army. After leaving the army, he became a minister and was recognized by Emperor Ming for his competence in the post. The emperor thought that Ji's talents were worthy of many positions, so he would like to give him a chance to look after him. The prime minister said: "It's only two thousand stones." The emperor said: "How can such a material only hold two thousand stones?" And in Dongguan, he led thousands of troops. Ji Xing is stingy with money and coveted with power. Once a girl is sent to the county, she will still sit in the house, languid and restless. The situation of the country's attack on Wu and Shu was reported, and it was also expected that although Zhuge Ke was victorious against the general Sima, he would be executed soon after he saw it. When the general asked him why, he said, "I am so powerful that my master has made great contributions to a country. Is it possible to survive without death?" When he returned from Hefei, Wu Guo killed him. When the general heard about Ke's death, he said to everyone: "Zhuge Ke has been with us for many generations! I went to Zhang Jingzhong County to talk about Ke, thinking that he would be killed, but it turned out to be the case. Jingzhong's wisdom is to win over Ke." Ji and Li Feng were in the same family, and they lived on the opposite side. close. When the time of abundance comes, Zi Miao goes to see him and asks for advice. Feng was captured, and the matter was connected with the arrest, so he was sent to the court captain and sentenced to death in prison, and all his sons were executed together. After arresting Sun Yin, he became the governor of Liangzhou in Yongxingzhong of Jin Dynasty. He can be seen in the book of Jin.
(17) Wei Lue said: Jianzi Gongwei, Shao studied with Zhuge Liang. After Liang Liang came out of Qishan, he answered Sima Xuan's letter to King Xuan, so that Du Zixu declared his will to the public.
(18) Wei Lue said: Kui was born with a surname. He was a solitary man and his family was poor. He often had no hakama in the winter. He passed by his wife and brother Liu Fu to stay, but he had no idea. He went away with Fu hakama. People call it Tongjian.
(19) Wei Lue said: Kui was captured by aid, but Kui refused to worship him, so he said to aid: "The prince has been in the county for many years, and he doesn't know how to do it?" "The generals guarded him, imprisoned him in Huguan, closed him in a cellar, and covered him with wheels to keep him in place. When he was about to kill him, Kui called the guard from the cellar and said, "There is no healthy child here, so why should a righteous man die here?" At that time, there was a man who wished justice, and he was not an old friend of Kui, but he heard his words and felt pity for him to keep his integrity. In times of danger, thieves went to lure them out at night, broke their weapons and sent them away without saying their names.
(20) Sun Zi’s Farewell Biography says: Zi was appointed as a planner in Hedong, and when he arrived in Xu, he recommended him to the Prime Minister’s Mansion and said: “Kui was in Jiangyi, commanding the officials and the people. Defeated and captured by thieves, he was straight-minded and unyielding in his words; his loyal words were heard by the public, and his righteousness was evident at that time. Although he was straight and strong in ancient times, he could not use his talents in both civil and military affairs. "Wei Lue said: After Guo Yuan was defeated, Kui Nai knew that those who came forward to help him were seeking justice. Justice is from Henan. If you sit back and do other things, you should submit to the law. Kui rescued him, but he couldn't save him, so he surrendered to him.
(21) Wei Lue said: Taizu wanted to conquer Wu but there was a heavy rain and the three armies were too many to move forward. Taizu knew this and was afraid that there would be admonitions from outside, so he taught: "Now the martial law is strictly enforced. I don't know where it is. Anyone who admonishes will die." Kui received the instruction and said that he was in the same camp as the three masters of the book and said: "You can't leave now. If you teach like this, you must give advice." So he built a remonstrance grass to show the three people, but they all signed it and entered the white matter. Taizu was angry and collected Kui and others. When he was sent to prison to obtain the intention, Kui immediately said, "I created the intention" and left for prison. The jailer used Kui to keep the records, but he didn't just have weapons. He said to the jailer, "I'm going to help you with the weapons. Your Majesty, you suspect that I'm in a nearby position, so please forgive me. I'm going to send someone to check on me now." Kui was ready to prepare the weapons, but Taizu sent his family members to watch Kui in prison. Then he taught: "Kui has no ill intentions. He can resume his duties." At the beginning, Kui was a student, briefly looking at the great righteousness, and taking advantage of it. It is best to read the Zuozhuan of the Spring and Autumn Period, and if you are a pastor, you should always read it in your own class, and read it once a month. When Kui was in Hongnong, he had a dispute with the captain of the school in Diannong over official affairs, but he couldn't handle it, so he got angry and developed a gall. Later, he became more seriously ill, and Qi Qiyuan wanted to have the doctor cut him off. Taizu cherished Kui Zhong and feared that he would not survive, so he said, "Thank you, Lord, I heard that 'ten people cut off galls and nine people die'". Kui still did what he wanted, but the gall became bigger and bigger. Kui's original name was Qu, which was later changed to Kui.
(22) Wei Lue said: The prince was in Ye at that time, and the Marquis of Yanling had not arrived. The soldiers and the people were working hard and were sick, so there was a commotion in the army. The group of liao people are afraid that the world will change, and they don't want to mourn. Kui suggested that it should not be kept secret, but should be expressed in mourning, so that everyone inside and outside came to come, and when it was over, everyone calmly said nothing. The Qingzhou army was good at beating drums to lure them away. Everyone thinks it is appropriate to ban it, and those who do not comply will be punished.
Kui thought that "Fang Da is in mourning and his successor has not yet been established, so it is appropriate to care for him accordingly." It was for the purpose of making a long message, telling them where they were and giving them food.
(23) Wei Lue said: In the early days, the officials of Wei County were quite anxious about official affairs, so they heard that Kui should be appointed as a county, and the whole government went outside the county gate. When the transfer letter arrived, Kui went out, and the county official Xi Xi was at the door and paid homage to Kui under the car. Kui arrived at the palm of his hand and said, "How can this be the case for a government office?"
(24) Wei Lue said: "Kui is Yuzhou." Kui Jin said: "I guarded the Heavenly Gate and came in and out for six years. The Heavenly Gate began to open, but I was outside. Your Highness is the only one who has a plan for the people and does not violate the wishes of heaven and man."
(25) Wei Lue said: Hugh He complained that Kui was late in advancing, so he scolded Kui and ordered the governor of Yuzhou to pick up the abandoned battles. Kui relied on his straightforwardness and said to Xiu: "I am the governor of Yuzhou for the country. If I don't come here, I will pick up and abandon the battle." He then led the army back. Then he and Xiu expressed their feelings to each other. Although the court knew that Xiu was upright, he still considered Xiu to have important responsibilities for the clan. There was nothing wrong with either of them. Wei Shuyun said: Don't rely on the previous intention to blame Kui later, but Kui was speechless in the end. People at that time benefited from this. Xi Chi Chi said: "A wise man is empty of self on the outside, but has the following things on the inside. Why does he get the name of being jealous?" Those who have the reputation of jealousy must be against things, and those who want to win or lose are those who are concerned about themselves. If I use my selfish regrets to defeat the country and destroy the people, even if they are overthrown, what will it do to me? If I am unprofitable, what will I do if I take advantage of it? This is how Zang Huo's heart and ears are said. Now endure his personal anger and worry about his enemies, risk danger and avoid harm, make his achievements appear to the wise king, benefit the people, stand on the throne of the gentleman, be righteous and unworthy of the enemy, even though he is a jackal and a tiger I will not realize it, but what about Cao Xiu? However, by relieving the other's danger, it is my victory. I don't care about any regrets, so I obey the other's heart. When justice is achieved, personal interests are also promoted. It can be said that I am good at fighting. It is because of the tendency of not forgetting the victory. If it is not because of this, there is no one who can help the winner.
(26) Wei Shu said: Kui was fifty-five years old.
(27) Wei Lue said: In the second year of Ganlu, I drove my chariots to the east, settled in Xiang, and returned to the Kui temple. The edict said: "Kui has no love for me, and I have seen the temple in the past. After hearing about the wind, I It is very commendable. In the past, the emperor was fortunate enough to personally send out his virtuous words and praise Kui Mei. He was so grateful that he could sweep his tomb or repair his gate. Ye. He cleaned the ancestral hall and repaired any leaks."
(28) The Dukes of Jin praised him and said: "Chong Lu is a great general." Sima Wen and Wang Lai Chong avoided the difficulties faced by the noble townsman. He was a minister of Yuan Gong in the Jin Dynasty. He rose to the rank of Dazai and was granted the title of Duke of Lu. His posthumous title is Duke Wu. Wei Lue's biographies include Kui, Li Fu, and Yang Pei in one volume. Today, Lie Fu and Pei succeeded Kui Hou'er. Fu, whose courtesy name is Zixian, is from Julu. During the period of prosperity, the people of this county were hungry and poor. Fu is a living being and should sow sage in order to make a plan. Those who follow the rope will not take a stem, nor will they feed themselves, so people at that time said they could carry out their intentions. Later he became an official. During Jian'an, Yuan Shang led Jizhou, with Fu as the chief administrator. Later, Shang fought with his brother Tan, and Shang went to Pingyuan, leaving behind his assistant to guard Yecheng. Fu followed Shang. Hui Taizu besieged Ye, but he still wanted to save Ye. Before the trip arrived, I still suspected that the garrison in Yezhong was small. I wanted to ask my subordinates to know what was going on outside, and discussed with Fu about the dispatch. Fu replied to Shang and said, "If I send this little man to go now, he may not be able to know the inside and outside, and I may not be able to reach it on his own. Fu, please go by yourself." Shang asked Fu, "What should I get?" Fu said, "I heard that the siege of Ye is very strong. , many people think that it is enough to take three cavalry. "I still follow his plan." Fu selected three gentle and trustworthy people. Without saying a word, he ordered the envoys to carry dried food and food. They were not allowed to carry troops. Each of them was given fast horses. Then he resigned and came to the south, where he stayed in Zhiting. When he arrived at Liang Qi, he ordered his followers to cut off thirty interrogation staffs, tie them to the sides of the horses, put on their own flat skirts, and throw the three horses under Mu Yiye. At that time, although the general issued a ban, there were many herders. Therefore, Gufu arrived at night, played a drum, and called himself the governor. He surrounded the north, followed the perimeter to the east, surrounded the perimeter from the east, and followed the perimeter to the south. He scolded the soldiers guarding the perimeter step by step, and imposed punishments according to the severity. Then he passed in front of Taizu's camp, passed south, turned west from the south corner, and became Zhangmen. He again scolded the angry guards and bound them. Because he opened the siege, he galloped to the bottom of the city and called to the people on the city. The people on the city led them with ropes, and Fu was able to enter. I am worthy of seeing you, I am sad and happy, and I clamor to say long live. When the people guarding the siege heard about it, Taizu laughed and said: "This is not a way for a disciple to get in, and then he can get out again." If Fu Shi wants to get back, he must be anxious to take care of the surrounding area, and he must not risk it again. He said that his mission should be reversed immediately, which was a scheming plan. He asked Pei to say: "There is little valley in the city today, and it is useless for the old and weak to do anything. It is better to drive them out to save grain." Pei followed his plan and got thousands of Fu Ye Jian. Everyone, holding white flags, descended from the three gates. He also ordered everyone to hold a fire, but Fu Naiwu He surrendered the place to everyone and went out at night with others. At that time, the soldiers guarding the siege heard about the surrender in the city, and the fire was shining brightly. But when you watch the fire, you no longer see the surroundings. Fu went out of the north gate and broke through from the northwest corner. When Taizu heard that Fu had figured it out, he smiled and said, "It's as I said." When Fu Bi saw Shang, he was very happy. Hui Shang was unable to save Ye and fled to Zhongshan. Yuan Tan pursued Shang again, but Shang fled.
Fu and Shang lost each other, so he went to Tan and became the master of Tan again. He returned to the plains in the east. Taizu attacked Tan, and Tan died in battle. When Fu returns to the city, although the city must surrender, it is still in chaos and not at peace. Fu Quanyi wanted to see Taizu, so he rode to Yamen and called him the chief secretary of Jizhou. Li Fu wanted to confess the secret. When Taizu saw it, Fu kowtowed and thanked him. Taizu asked him what he had said, and Fu said, "Now the strong and weak in the city are surrounded by mausoleums, and they are all undecided. They thought it would be appropriate to order the new descendants to promote the Mingjiao to those who know and believe in them." The public addressed Fu and said, "You will return the message." Fu knelt down and asked for advice. , the duke said: "I will declare it with your wishes." Fu returned to the city and preached, "Each of you can secure your old property and do not invade each other's mausoleum." The peace in the city is a return of fate, and the duke regards Fu as a good and sufficient use. The meeting is divided into places, and the offices are scattered and scattered. When he came out to guard Jiechang, his name was Yan Neng. Later he moved to Sili Xiaowei, when he was more than seventy years old. His fine judgment has not declined, and his skills have not been compromised. Finally, the governor of Yangping. Fu's original surname was Feng, but later changed to Li. Yang Pei's courtesy name is Kongqu, and Feng Yi was born ten thousand years ago. In the early days of Pingzhong, he was the official historian of the government, and he was appointed the chief of Xinzheng by ultimatum. At the end of the Xingping period, there were many people who were hungry and poor, so the people and livestock were harvested, harvested beans, and the surplus was used to make up for the shortage. In this way, more than a thousand dendrobiums were accumulated and hid in the small warehouse. Taizu Hui was the governor of Yanzhou and went west to welcome the emperor. More than a thousand of his generals were without food. After passing through Xinzheng, I paid a visit to Pei, and they all entered Qianchen. Taizu was very happy. When Taizu assisted the government, he moved to Pei as the chief minister. At that time, Cao Hong's guest was at the county boundary. He refused to obey the law, so Pei Xian'ao broke his foot and killed him. From this Taizu thought it could be done. He moved to Jiujiang, Dongping and Le'an prefectures and made great achievements. Sitting in a fight with the governor, he was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. Before the defeat was completed, Taizu Hui went on an expedition in Qiao. He heard that his subordinates in Ye were quite unfaithful to the imperial ban, so he issued a teaching and selected Ye Ling. He should be as capable as Yang Peipi, so Pei became Ye Ling from among his disciples. After worshiping, Taizu saw it and asked: "How to govern Ye?" Pei said: "I will do my best to serve Xuan Ke Dharma." Taizu said: "Good." Gu said sitting on the table and said: "Everyone, this can be done "Afraid." Give him ten mouths and a hundred pieces of silk. I want to encourage him and give him a dry powder in return. Pei resigned but did not arrive at Ye. However, Cao Hong, Liu Xun and others, who were powerful men in the army, were afraid of Pei's reputation and sent their families (Chiqi) (Chichi) to report to their children, so that they could each inspect the imperial edict. After Pei served as the commander for several years, he changed his function to the captain of the Qiang Protector. In the 16th year, Ma Chao rebelled and marched westward with a large army. Pei followed the army and commanded Meng Jin to cross the border. Taizu had already crossed south, and the rest of the journey was not completed. He crossed in front of Zhonghuang Gate. He forgot to hold Xingxuan and returned to the north privately. He asked for a small boat from an official and wanted to cross first alone. The officials refused, and Huangmen argued with them. Pei asked Huangmen: "Is there any evil?" Huangmen said: "No." Pei said angrily: "How did you know that you don't want to escape from evil?" Then he ordered someone to beat his head with a stick, but he escaped. When he left, his clothes were torn and he complained to Taizu. Taizu said: "It's a blessing that you don't die." As a result, his reputation grew. When Guanzhong was broken, he led Jing Zhaoyin on behalf of Zhang Ji. In Huang's junior high school, elegance and elegance went hand in hand, while Pei Ben was able to see things in action, so he was scattered in the alleys. Pei was the governor of Licheng before and after, and he did not care about it for personal gain, and he was not willing to serve noble people. After his death, his family had no money left. Cure the disease at home, and take care of your children. There are no other slaves or maids. Later, he occupied two hectares of wasteland in the Henan (Xi) Yangting area and built a melon and cow hut, where he lived. His wife was cold and hungry. When Pei died of illness, his relatives, friends and former officials and officials from the village were there to bury him.