The correct sentence is: There is a certain amount of heat and a certain amount of light. This sentence is a famous saying of Mr. Lu Xun. Mr. Lu Xun once mentioned: "Those who can do things do things, and those who can make a sound make a sound. There is a certain amount of heat and a certain amount of light, just like a firefly. It can also shine a little in the dark. It doesn't have to be Waiting for the torch.”
For example: In the early morning of February 7, Wan Xingyue, a nurse born in the 1990s, wrote this sentence in the circle of friends: “Those who can do things, and those who can speak out, are enthusiastic and vocal. With a split of light, it can shine like a firefly in the dark."
At this time, it had been 14 days since she joined the Liangjiang New District centralized medical observation point.
Extended information:
"There is a certain amount of heat and a certain amount of light" comes from Lu Xun's "Hot Wind·Impressions No. 41".
"I most hope that all Chinese youth will get rid of the air-conditioning, just move up, and don't have to listen to the words of those who give up on themselves. Those who can do things will do things, and those who can speak out will speak out. If there is a bit of heat and a bit of light, they will be like fireflies. , you can also shine a little light in the darkness without waiting for the torch."
This is what Lu Xun wrote in "Reflection Record 41", and it is also the most true thing Lu Xun has always said about young people. hope. - If you have some heat, shine with some light - Re-read Lu Xun on the May 4th Youth Day, only study the ink to create the spring mountain