from the 7-mile Three Gorges, the two sides of the Three Gorges are connected with mountains, and there are no gaps. The mountains are stacked and the sky is hidden. Since midnight, there is no sunrise or moon. As for Xiashui Xiangling, it is blocked along the back. Or the king ordered an urgent announcement, and sometimes he went to the White Emperor and went to Jiangling at dusk. During this period, although he took the wind, he did not take the disease. In spring and winter, the green pool is turbulent and the reflection is clear. There are many strange cypresses, hanging springs and waterfalls, and flying in the meantime, it is magnificent and interesting. At the beginning of each sunny day, the frost is shining, and the forest is cold and sorrowful, and there are often high apes whistling, which leads to sadness, and the hollow valley resounds, and the sorrow turns to a long time. Therefore, the fisherman sang: the Wuxia Gorge in the Three Gorges of Badong is long, and the apes sing three times with tears.
—— Notes on Three Gorges by Shuijing