Once, Cheng Shu asked Guan Xiu for calligraphy. Guan Xiu was indignant at the humiliation of giving poems for his birthday, so he took this opportunity to vent his anger and said, "This matter needs to be taught on the altar, so it is easy!" Cheng Ling was also very angry after hearing this. Some people around Cheng Ling also took the opportunity to speak ill of him, so Guan Xiu was expelled from Jiangling and sent to Gongan County (Jingzhou County) for resettlement. A bottle and a bowl grow old, and ten thousand waters come from Qian Shan. He was awarded a series of honorary titles, such as "Waiting for Imperial edict in Dragon Palace", "Master of Distinguishing Merits in Ming Dynasty", "Sacrificing at Xianglintang", "Professor of Selecting and Training Taoist Classics", "Master of Xuanyi in Three Religions", "Master of Two Monks Keeping Sichuan", "Giving Purple Shaman" and "Master of Zen Moon", and worked for two years (9 15
In the Tang Dynasty, the monk Guan Xiu was from Lanxi, Wuzhou. Monks in Guan Xiuli can recite poems, write well and are good at painting. When Wang Jian established the pre-Shu Dynasty in Shu, he came to Shu and lived in Longhua Temple, where he meditated and practiced. He painted sixteen arhats, a Buddha statue and two bodhisattvas for the temple with ink painting. In the painting, boulders hover around the clouds, and cricket is loose around Gu Teng. The appearance of Buddha, Bodhisattva and Sixteen Arhats is abnormal, which is different from other painters. Guan Xiu himself often said, "I saw these gods and buddhas in my dream and drew them when I woke up. I can also call them' ocean dreams'. " His disciples Tan Yu, Tan Fu and others kept these paintings secret and regarded them as precious works of art. ..