Just when Ji An was appointed as the chief of the county and a surname, and ranked in Jiuqing, Dou Taihou's younger brother Wu 'an Hou Tianfen became the prime minister. Senior officials with an annual salary of 2000 stone all bow when they come to see him, but Tian fen refuses to reciprocate. Ji An never bowed down when he sought audience with Tian Fen, but often bowed to him. At this time, the emperor is recruiting talents and scholars. They worship Confucianism and tell me what I want. Ji An replied, "Your majesty has many desires in his heart, and on the surface he only practices benevolence and righteousness. How can he really imitate the achievements of Tang Yao and Yu Shun! " The emperor was silent, angry in his heart, and his face changed, so he went to court, and ministers were worried that Ji An had panicked. After the emperor retired from the DPRK, he said to his courtiers, "It's too much, Ji An is so stupid!" Some ministers blamed Ji An, and Ji An said, "Did the emperor set officials and officials to assist him, making him obedient and begging for mercy, and putting the monarch in a dilemma of violating the right path? What's more, I am in the position of the ninth lady. Even if I cherish my life, what can I do to damage the court affairs? "
Ji An is ill. He has been ill for three months. The emperor allowed him to take vacations for illness many times, but his illness never recovered. Last time he was seriously ill, Zhu Zhuang asked for leave for him. The emperor asked, "What about Ji An?" Zhu Zhuang said, "It is not surprising that Ji An is an official and an official. However, he can help the young monarch, stick to his established career, lure him away with interests and drive him away with threats. Even if someone claims to be as brave as Meng Ben and Yu Xia, he can't regret losing his ambition. " The emperor said, "Yes." There were loyal ministers in ancient times who were supposed to defend their country, such as Ji An, who was very similar to them. "
General Wei Qing entered the Stone Palace, and the emperor once squatted in the toilet to meet him. The prime minister's palace usually asks for an audience, and the emperor sometimes doesn't even wear a hat. As for Ji An's visit, the emperor won't receive him without a hat. The emperor used to sit in a grand chancellorship, which coincided with Ji An's coming here to start his official business. When he saw it, he quickly hid in the tent and sent servants to approve his memorial. Ji An was respected and treated by the emperor to this extent.
Zhang made Ting Wei and Ji An repeatedly question and accuse Zhang Tang in front of the emperor by changing the laws and regulations in the criminal law, saying, "You are an official, but you can't carry forward the achievements of the former emperor, let alone stop the selfish desires of the world. You got nothing in two aspects: protecting the country and enriching the people, leaving the prison empty. On the contrary, you try your best to do something wrong and break laws and regulations to achieve your career. What's more, how dare you change the rules set by Emperor Gaozu? If you do this, you will have no children. " Ji An often argues with Zhang Tang. When Zhang Tang debates, he always delves into the articles and asks for details. Ji An, on the other hand, is outspoken, serious, ambitious and unwilling to give in. He angrily scolded Zhang Tang and said, "Everyone in the world says that an official with a knife and pen should never be placed in the position of an official, and it really is." If we have to act according to Zhang Tang's law, we dare not stand with our feet together and dare not look straight! "
At this time, the Han dynasty was conquering the Huns and appealing to ethnic minorities everywhere. Ji An tried his best to save the country, often taking the opportunity to persuade the emperor to make friends with the conference semifinals instead of waging war. The emperor devoted himself to Confucianism and respected Sun Hong, which showed no concern. When domestic troubles and foreign invasion occurred, lower-level officials and outlaws tried to escape legal sanctions, so the emperor had to strictly abide by different laws and disciplines, and Zhang Tang and others continued to broadcast important trial cases to gain the favor of the emperor. Ji An, on the other hand, often denigrates Confucianism and attacks Gong and others face to face with treachery and cleverness in order to win the favor of flatterers. Knife-and-pencil collectors dig deep into the law, slandering others and framing them as guilty, so that the truth can't be revealed. Taking prison as the capital for credit, the emperor relies more and more on Gong and Zhang Tang, while Gong and Zhang Tang hate Ji An, even the emperor doesn't like him and wants to kill him as an excuse. When the palace became prime minister, it suggested to the emperor: "There are many dignitaries and royal relatives living in the management circle of the internal history of the son of heaven, which is difficult to manage. It is not that a prestigious minister cannot shoulder this heavy responsibility. Please turn Ji' an into the right civil history. " Ji An has been a civil servant for several years, and his administration has always been in good order, and he has never neglected his work.
General Wei Qing has become more and more distinguished, and his sister Wei Zifu has become the queen, but Ji An still pays equal respect to him. Ji An was advised to say, "From the Emperor, I wanted my officials to be subordinate to the generals. Now the general is respected and valued by the emperor, and his position is more noble. You have to bow your head. " Ji An replied: "Because the general has guests to salute him, does it make him rude?" The general thought Ji An was more virtuous after hearing what he said. Ask him many times about the difficulties of his country and North Korea, and treat him better than anyone he has always made friends with.
Liu An, the king of Huainan, conspired to rebel and was afraid of Ji An. He said, "Ji An loves to speak frankly and would rather die for justice. It is difficult to seduce him with improper things. " As for lobbying Prime Minister Gong Sunhong, it is as easy as lifting the lid or shaking off dead leaves. "Now the emperor conquers the Huns for many times, and has made great achievements. If Ji An advocates being close to the conference semifinals without expedition, he won't listen. When enjoying the treatment of Jiuqing in Ji An, GongSunHong and Zhang Tang were just ordinary officials. Wait until GongSunHong, Zhang Tang increasingly dignitaries, and Ji An in high places, Ji An and blame them. Soon, he was promoted to prime minister and was named Hou; Zhang Tang official to ancient scholar; In the past, Ji An's military success and comfort were on the same level as Ji An's, and some of them were reused, even surpassing him. Ji An is narrow-minded and impetuous, so it is impossible not to complain. Appearing in front of the emperor, he stepped forward and said, "Your majesty uses his ministers as a pile of firewood, and later people pile them on it." The emperor was silent. After a while, Ji An retired, and the emperor said, "One really can't be ignorant. Seeing Ji An's words, his stupidity became more and more serious. "
Soon after, the evil king of Xiongnu led his troops to surrender to Han, and the court recruited 20 thousand vehicles to pick them up. When the government has no money, it borrows horses from the people. Some people hide horses, but they can't get together. The emperor was furious and wanted to kill Chang 'an county magistrate. Ji An said, "Chang 'an County magistrate is not guilty. As long as he kills me, the people will give their horses. Besides, the Xiongnu generals betrayed the monarch and surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and the court could slowly ask the counties and counties along the way to prepare chariots and horses and bring them here in order. Why not let the whole country harass and let our people work hard to serve those Xiongnu soldiers? " The emperor was silent. When the evil king of Xiongnu led his army, more than 500 businessmen had been sentenced to death for doing business with Xiongnu. Ji An was invited for an interview and met the emperor in the Gaomen Hall of Weiyang Palace. He said: "The Huns attacked our gateway on the main road and cut off friendly relations with their relatives. Our country sent troops to conquer them, causing countless casualties on the battlefield and spending tens of billions. For a moment, I was confused and thought that your majesty would give the Huns to the family members who died in the army as handmaiden, and give them the seized property to thank everyone for their hard work and satisfy the wishes of the people. Even if we can't do this now, and the evil king leads tens of thousands of people to mutiny, he shouldn't give them all the property of the official treasury, recruit honest people to serve them, and hold them like a treasure. Ignorant people know that letting Huns buy goods in Chang 'an will be convicted by law enforcement officers obsessed with legal provisions as illegal smuggling of property out of customs? Even if your majesty can't seize the Xiongnu materials to comfort the world, he will kill more than 500 ignorant people with harsh laws. This is the so-called practice of' protecting leaves and damaging branches'. Personally, I think it is not advisable for your majesty to do so. " The emperor was silent and disapproved. Then he said, "I haven't heard anything from Ji An for a long time. Today, he is talking nonsense again. "A few months later, Ji An was convicted of minor crimes, which coincided with the emperor's amnesty. He was just removed from office. So Ji An retired to the countryside.
After a few years, the state changed to casting five baht, and many people privately cast coins, especially Chu. The emperor thought Huaiyang County was the main road to Chu, so he called Ji An the satrap of Huaiyang County. Ji An prostrated himself on the imperial edict of politely declining and refused to accept the seal. The emperor forced him to do so many times with imperial edicts, and he was saved. The emperor summoned Ji An by imperial edict, and Ji An cried and said to the emperor, "I thought that I would never see your majesty again after my death, but I didn't expect your majesty to accept me again. Often sick dogs and horses, physical strength can not reach the trouble of being a satrap. I hope that Nakaro will go in and out of the palace gate, correct your mistakes and make up the gap. This is my wish. " The emperor said, "don't you look down on the position of Huaiyang county magistrate?" I'll call you back later. " Because of the tension between local officials and people in Huaiyang, I have to rely on your prestige to invite you to lie at home and govern. "After leaving the emperor, Ji An went to see the great official Li Xi. He said: "I was abandoned in a foreign county, so I can't participate in the government's deliberation. Zhang Tang, an ancient imperial counselor, was smart enough to block criticism from others and treacherous enough to polish his own mistakes. He refuted critical words with clever flattering words, refused to always speak correctly for the whole world, and devoted himself to catering to the Lord's wishes. If the emperor doesn't want it, he will vilify it at will; Praise what the emperor wants. He likes to make much ado about nothing and fiddle with laws and regulations. In North Korea, he was full of treachery to please the emperor's will. Externally, he imprisoned officials who endangered society to strengthen his power. "You are in the ninth qing dynasty. If you don't talk to the emperor earlier, you and he will both be killed. " Li Xi was afraid of Zhang Tang and didn't dare to remonstrate with the emperor. Ji An manages county affairs as usual, and the political situation in Huaiyang County is clear. Later, Zhang Tang was destroyed. When the emperor knew what Ji An said to Li Xi, he decided that Li Xi was guilty and ordered Ji An to enjoy the salary of the vassal and still be in charge of Huaiyang County. Ji An died seven years later.
After the death of Ji An, the emperor sent his younger brother to Jiuqing and his son to various vassal states because of Ji An. When Aunt Ji An's son Sima An was young, he also washed horses for the Prince with Ji An. He is good at playing with legal provisions and being an official. Nine official positions, died in Henan County. Because of him, his ten brothers were appointed to two thousand stone posts at the same time. Puyang people have served as letters, recommendations and twice as officials in Jiuqing. However, all the officials in Puyang are in awe of Ji An and are willing to live under his command. When Zheng Dang was in the Party, Zizhuang was a native of Chen County. His ancestor Jun Zheng was a general under Ji Xiang; After Ji Xiang's death, he soon belonged to the Han Dynasty. Gaozu ordered all the staff of Ji Xiang to call Ji Xiang by his first name, but Jun Zheng refused to obey the imperial edict. Gaozu aimed to make those who wanted to call Ji Xiang travel incognito as doctors, and drove Jun Zheng away. Jun Zheng died during Emperor Xiaowen's reign. Zheng Zhuang took pleasure in saving Zhang Yu from danger, and his reputation spread throughout Liang Chu. When honoring Emperor Jing, he is a prince. Every five-day holiday, he often goes to the suburbs of Chang 'an to buy horses, visit old friends by riding, invite guests to thank him, stay up all night, and always worry about omissions. Zheng Zhuang loves Taoism and worships the elderly, just as he is afraid of not meeting others. He is young and humble, but his friends are all from his grandfather's generation, and they are all world-famous figures. After Liang Wudi acceded to the throne, he rose step by step from the satrap of Lu and Jinan Group and the prime minister of Jiangdu to Jiuqing of Youwen. Because of his improper opinions on the dispute between Hou Tianfen of Wu 'an and Dou Ying of Wei Qihou, he was demoted to Zhan's and transferred to Da Nong.
When Zheng Zhuang made a civil history, he warned his subordinate officials: "Visitors, no matter how high or low, are not allowed to wait at the door." He respects the host's hospitality and ranks below the guests in his noble status. Zheng Zhuang was honest and didn't get any private property. It only relies on official salaries and rewards to support your old friends, and the gifts are just some food filled with bamboo utensils. Every time he goes to court, whenever he has the opportunity to give advice to the emperor, he will praise the old and respected people in the world. He recommended truly interested scholars and his subordinate officials Cheng Heshi, and often said that they were more talented than themselves. He never calls officials by their first names. When talking with subordinates, he seems very modest, as if afraid of hurting each other. When you hear other people's opinions, you should report to the emperor immediately for fear of delaying major events. Therefore, scholars and famous elders in the vast area east of Yaoshan praised his virtue with one voice.
Zheng Zhuang was sent to check the gap in the Yellow River. He asked for five days to prepare his luggage. The emperor said, "I heard that Zheng Zhuang traveled thousands of miles without food." Why do you need time to prepare your luggage? " Zheng Zhuang's popularity abroad is good, but in North Korea, he often agrees and obeys the will of the Lord, and dare not express his views on right and wrong too clearly. By the end of his life, the Han Dynasty had conquered the Huns and appealed to ethnic minorities all over the country, which cost a lot of money and material resources. Zheng's people and their guests owe a lot of money to undertake the transportation of Da Nong Ling. Sima An was appointed as the prefect of Huaiyang County and reported this matter, so Zheng Zhuang was guilty and was demoted to a civilian after atonement. Soon, he entered the position of the temporary prime minister's office. The emperor thought he was old and made him a magistrate of Runan County. A few years later, he died in the office.
Zheng Zhuang and Ji An are among the best in the Nine Grades. They are incorruptible in politics and have a pure family style on weekdays. Both of them were dismissed from office halfway, and their families were poor, and their guests were gradually declining. When he became a county magistrate, there was nothing left at home after his death. Because of Zheng Zhuang's brothers and descendants, there are as many as six or seven people who own two thousand stones.
Tai Shigong said: Because Ji An and Zheng Dangshi are so virtuous, when they are strong, they have ten times as many guests. When they are not strong, the situation is completely opposite. They are still like this, let alone ordinary people! Zhai Gong of Shimonoseki (guρ, Turtle) once said that at first he was a Tingwei and his family was full of guests. When I lost my official position, the door was deserted to catch birds. After he was reinstated, all the guests wanted to see him again. Zhai Gong wrote on the gate: "Friendship is known only after death. Poverty and wealth are a state of knowing each other. " One is expensive, the other is cheap, and friendship is known. "Ji An and Zheng Zhuang also have this misfortune, sad!