Xu Heng's words are average, and young people have different translations.

Xu Heng, whose word is Zhongping, is born in Hanoi and works as a farmer. Young children are heterogeneous. When they entered school at the age of seven, they were given chapters and asked their teachers, "What is reading?" The teacher said, "Take Kodi Er!" Say, "Is that all?" The normal university is strange. Every time you give a book, you can ask its meaning. After a long time, the teacher said to his parents, "My son is brilliant and enlightened, and he will be great in the future. I am not his teacher." When I resigned, my parents were too strong to stop. If so, you will be the third division. A little longer, addicted to learning like hunger and thirst, but troubled by the world, and poor without books. Since I fled to Culai Mountain, Wang Fusi, the author of Yi, said. When the soldiers are in chaos, they think about it at night and recite it at day, but they practice it physically, and their words and actions will slap the righteousness before they are sent. After tasting the summer heat and crossing the river, I was very thirsty. There were pears in the road, and everyone tried to spit them out, so I sat under the tree as cool as a cucumber. Or ask it, saying, "If you don't have it, you can't take it." People say, "The world is in chaos, and there is no owner here." Yue: "Pear has no owner, but my heart has no owner?"

when he was transferred to Lu to stay in Wei, people saw his virtue and followed it slightly. After living for three years, I am still pregnant. Anyone who marries at a funeral ceremony will be asked for a gift to encourage his fellow villagers and scholars to immerse themselves in it. If the family is poor, they will eat when the millet is ripe, and if the millet is not ripe, they will eat the bran-core vegetables, and they will be calm, and the sound of chanting will be like a stone outdoors. Wealth is more than enough, that is, to divide the people and the poor. People have a legacy, and a dime is righteous, and it is also accepted. Yao Shu tried to be called into the capital, and with his snow lent in the scale, he ordered the keeper to keep it, but the scale refused to accept it. The court has a rotten fruit, and the boy has passed it, and he doesn't turn his back on it. His family is so changed.

Jia Yin, a grandparent, came out of the king's Qin Dynasty, so he thought about turning Qin people into people, and called Heng as Jing Zhao to promote his studies. Qin people are new to the army and want to learn without a teacher. When Wen Heng comes, everyone is happy to learn. Schools are built in counties and counties, and the people are popularized. Sai-jo went south, but he was still pregnant. Scholars couldn't stay, so they returned from Lintong.

in the first year of reunification, sai-jo became emperor and was summoned to the capital. After a while, Heng Xie died of illness. In the second year of Zhiyuan, the emperor took An Tong as the right prime minister, and wanted to balance it, so he was called back to the capital and ordered to discuss the book province.

Ahema was in charge of politics in Zhongshu Pingzhang, and took charge of six affairs in Shangshu Province. Because of his power, he was in power in the ruling and opposition. At one time, many ministers were in charge of it, and every time he discussed it with him, he would give a lot of justice. In addition to Zuo Cheng, Russia has repeatedly resigned.

the emperor wanted to start Imperial College for a long time, so he would ask for help. For eight years, I thought that I was a great scholar in Jixian County, and I was also a son of the country, and I chose a Mongolian disciple to teach him. When Heng heard of his life, he said with joy, "This is my business. The Chinese people are not scattered, and they are single-minded. If they are cultivated in the good category for several years, they will be used for the country. " The selected disciples are naive, treat them like adults, love them like children, advance and retreat, and be strict as a monarch and a minister. When you have less leisure in class, that is, learning rituals or learning books.

please pay for the illness. Eighteen years, the disease was changed. He died at the age of 73. People who are pregnant, regardless of rank or seniority, all cry at the door. When the four scholars heard about the obituary, they all gathered to cry. There are thousands of miles to offer sacrifices to those who cry under the tomb.

(Excerpt from Yuan History? Biography 45th)


Xu Heng, Zhongping, a native of Hanoi, Huaizhou, has been farming for generations. I have a distinctive temperament since I was a child. When I entered school at the age of seven, the teacher gave the students a chapter to analyze the sentence. Xu Heng asked his teacher, "What is the purpose of reading?" The teacher said, "for the first place in the imperial examination!" " Xu Heng said, "Is that it?" The teacher was greatly surprised. Every time he is taught to read, he asks the purport of the book. After a long time, the teacher said to his parents, "This child is very clever, and he will definitely surpass ordinary people one day. I am not suitable to be his teacher." So leave away, Xu Heng's parents tried to retain but failed to retain. Three teachers have changed like this. When he grew up, Xu Heng was hungry for reading, but at that time, he was in chaos, and his family was poor and had no books. Later, he fled to Culai Mountain and began to get Wang Fusi's explanation of Yi. At that time, he was in a period of war. Xu Heng thought at night, read aloud during the day, experienced it personally, and worked hard to practice it. His manners and words must be inferred before they were implemented. I used to pass by Heyang on a hot summer day, and I was very thirsty. There was a pear tree next to the road, and everyone scrambled to pick pears to eat. Only Xu Heng was sitting alone under the tree, and with an easy grace. Someone asked him why he didn't pick pears to eat, and he replied, "It is not allowed to eat them if they are not your own." The man said, "The world is chaotic, and this tree has no owner." Xu Heng replied: "There is no owner in the pear tree. Is there no owner in my heart?"

Xu Heng later moved to Ludi and stayed in Weizhou. People saw his noble morality and gradually began to follow him. Xu Heng stayed in Weizhou for three years, and heard that the war would subside, so he returned to Huaizhou. Whenever he marries at weddings, funerals and funerals, he must follow the etiquette, and use it to encourage people from his hometown to do so, and more and more people are learning. Because of his poor family, Xu Heng personally went to the fields to farm. When the grain was ripe, he ate the grain, and when the grain was not ripe, he ate the bran and swallowed vegetables. He took it as cool as a cucumber, and the sound of reading poetry spread to the outside of the house as beautiful as music. If the family property is surplus, Xu Heng will give it to his relatives and poor students. If people give something, as long as it doesn't conform to the etiquette, he will not accept it. Yao Shu was once called into the capital, so he let Xu Heng live in his snow den and ordered those who stayed behind to entertain him, but Xu Hengjian refused. In the courtyard, a ripe fruit fell to the ground, and Xu Heng's children passed by without looking at it. Xu Heng's family was deeply influenced by him.

in the year of Jiayin, sai-jo was made king in the middle of Qin dynasty, and he considered ways to influence and educate the Qin people, so he called Xu Heng as a scholar in Jingzhao. People in Qin just got out of the war and wanted to study without a teacher. I heard that Xu Heng came to be in charge of education, and everyone came to study happily. Schools have been built in all counties and counties, and the people have been greatly influenced by education. Sai-jo led the army to the south, and Xu Heng returned to Huaizhou. The students kept him without success, so they followed him to Lintong and didn't come back.

in the first year of reunification, sai-jo ascended the throne of the emperor and called Xu Heng back to the capital. Before long, Xu Heng resigned and returned home.

in the second year of Zhiyuan, the emperor appointed an tong as the right prime minister, and asked Xu Heng to assist him, so he called Xu Heng to the capital and asked him to participate in the deliberation in Zhongshu province.

Ahema was in charge of politics in Zhongshu Pingzhang, and was in charge of six affairs in Shangshu Province. Therefore, he took power in politics, and his power was far superior to that of others in the ruling and opposition. At one time, the minister flattered him more. Every time Xu Heng discussed with him, he would be outspoken and never give in. Soon after being transferred to Zuo Cheng, Xu Heng repeatedly requested to resign.

The emperor had long wanted to set up Imperial College. It happened that Xu Heng tried his best to resign again and again, so he agreed to his request first. In the eighth year (Zhiyuan), the emperor ordered Xu Heng to be a great scholar in Jixian, and also served as a national son to offer a drink offering, and personally selected Mongolian disciples for Xu Heng to educate him. When Xu Heng was appointed, he said happily, "This is what I should do. The children of Chinese people have not lost their primitive and simple qualities, and they are very attentive to what they see and hear. If they are trained among kind and virtuous people for a few years, they will certainly become useful talents for the country. " At that time, the selected disciples were still young. Xu Heng treated them as adults, cared for them as his own children, and the etiquette of going in and out was as strict as the relationship between the monarch and the minister. In the spare time of reciting after school, let them learn etiquette and sometimes practice calligraphy and arithmetic.

(Later) Xu Heng requested to return to his hometown of Huaizhou due to illness. In the eighteenth year (Zhiyuan), Xu Heng was seriously ill. He died soon at the age of 73. People in Huaizhou, rich and poor, young and old, all cried and worshipped Xu Hengling. Scholars from all over the world gathered together and burst into tears when they heard the news of Xu Heng's death. Some people came thousands of miles to Xu Heng's grave to weep and worship.