The six or seventy-eight volumes of "Daguan Tie" and "Chunhua Pavilion Tie" are both written by Wang Xi, and their titles are similar. When copying "Daguan Tie", the original board of "Chunhua" was cracked, and the "Yuanyou Secret Pavilion Continuation Tie" was already engraved on the uncollected "Chunhua Tie". The new "Daguan" was just to replace "Chunhua", so the title of the "Chunhua" was not changed much. , only correcting some of the order and imitation errors in "Chunhua". As far as calligraphy is concerned, although the ink scripts "Da Guan" and "Chun Hua" are based on are the same, the styles of imitation are different. Generally speaking, history has always praised the "Daguan" for its fine review, which is higher than that of "Chunhua". However, as far as the existing 678-volume editions of Daguan and Chunhua are concerned, each has its own merits. The existing sixth volume of "Daguan" is from Weng Fanggang's collection, and the eighth volume is from Yang's Haiyuan Pavilion collection. The copying and engraving are excellent, and the seventh volume is slightly inferior. The rarest version of "Chunhua" in existence is actually a supplement. The seventh volume, especially the first few leaves, really has the charm of Song inscriptions and Song extensions. Conclusion: Both are possible. See more answers>>