What are the shortcut keys for PHOTOSHOP CS4?

PhotoShop shortcut list cancels the current command: Esc tool palette: input palette adjustment: Shift+Tab to exit the system: Ctrl+Q for help: F 1 Cut selection: F2/CTRL+X Copy selection: F3/CTRL+C Paste selection: F4/ Ctrl+V Free Transform: Ctrl+T Show or Hide Ruler: Ctrl+R Show or Hide Dashed Line: Ctrl+H Show or Hide Grid: CTRL+ "Show or Close Brush Palette: F5 Show or Close Palette: F6 Show or Close Layer Palette Status Bar and Toolbox: Tab Select All: Ctrl+A Deselect: Shift+Ctrl+I Deselect Region: Ctrl+D Select Region Move: Arrow keys Layer selection area: Ctrl+ Click Move 10 Pixel: Shift+ Arrow keys Copy selection area: Alt+ Arrow keys Fill foreground color: Alt+Delete Fill background color: Ctr. L+DELETE Color Scale Adjustment Tool: CTRL+L Adjust Color Balance: CTRL+B Adjust Tone/Saturation: CTRL+U Increase Pen Size: [Reduce Pen Size:] Select Maximum Pen Size: Shift+] Select Minimum Pen Tip: Shift+[ Reuse Filter: CTRL+F Move to the previous layer: CTRL+[ Go to the next layer: CTRL+] Move to the first layer. Merge visible layers: Shift+Ctrl+E to turn to the screen to view: PageUp/ PageDown to enlarge the window: Ctrl ++ to reduce the window: Ctrl+"- "to enlarge the part: Ctrl+Space+ to click the reduced part: Alt ++ Space+ to click to open the file: Ctrl+O to close the file: Ctrl+W to save the file: Ctrl+S to print the file: Ctrl+P to restore to the previous one. Example of shortcut list [file] ALT+F automatic: ALT+F+U+B (batch) [file] ALT+F means that the shortcut key of the file menu is ALT+F; " Automatic: ALT+F+U "means that the shortcut key of the" automatic "command is ALT+F+U", that is, under the "File" menu (f); "+B" means that there are multiple subcommands under the Automatic command (or menu), in which the shortcut key for Batch Processing is "ATL+F+u+b", that is, the command is under the Automatic command (or menu) in the File menu. In this article, whenever a shortcut key with "+"is added, the next level menu corresponds to it. There is a black triangle symbol pointing to the right in the PHOTOSHOP menu. Main menu file ALT+F (generally press ALT to activate the file menu) Edit ALT+E image ALT+I layer ALT+L Select ALT+S filter ALT+T view ALT+V window ALT+W to help ALT+H (generally press F 1 instead) submenu to operate in detail. [File] ALT+F Recently opened file: the number key corresponding to ALT+F+R+ (the available number is 1~9, 10 can be directly selected by pressing the up arrow key on the keyboard) Placed: ALT+F+R+L Online service: ALT+F+I Import: ALT+F+M Export. ALT+E clear: ALT+E+E spell check: ALT+E+H find and replace text: ALT+E+X stroke: ALT+E+S transform: ALT+E+A +S (scaling) +R (rotation) +K (diagonal cutting) +D (distortion) +P (perspective). +H (horizontal flip) +(V) vertical flip Note: Some operations can be activated by the first-level shortcut key CTRL+T, and then operated in the transformation options bar. Intention preset: ALT+E+B definition mode: ALT+E+D custom shape: ALT+E+O cleaning: ALT+E +U (recovery) +C (clipboard) +H (history) +A (all) preset manager: ALT+E+M .[ picture] ALT+I mode: +G (gray scale); +D (two tones); +I (index color); +R(RGB color); +C(CMYK color); +L (laboratory color); +M (multichannel); +A(8 bit channel); +N( 16 bit channel); +T (color chart); +P (specify configuration file); +V (converted to configuration file); Adjustment: ALT+I+A +c (brightness/contrast); +R (color matching); +S (optional color); +X (channel mixer); +G (gradient mapping); +F (photo filter CS function); +W (dark tone/highlight CS function); +E (tonal balance); +T (threshold); +P (tone separation); +N (change) copy: ALT+I+A+D application image: ALT+I+Y; Calculation: alt+I+c; Image size: alt+I+I; Canvas size: alt+s; Pixel aspect ratio: alt+I+x; Rotate canvas: ALT+I+E+1 (rotate 180 degrees) +9 (rotate 90 degrees clockwise) +0 (rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise) to cut alt+I+p; Trim alt+I+r; Show all alt+I+v; Trap ALT+I+T[ layer] ALT+L Create ALT+L+w +B (layer background) +A (layer group) +Y (layer group composed of linked layers) Copy ALT+L+D Delete ALT+L+L (layer) +K (linked layer) +H (hidden layer). Glow) +W (internal glow) +B (bevel and relief) +T (gloss) +V (color overlay) +G (gradient overlay) +Y (pattern overlay) +K (stroke) +C (copy layer style) +P (paste layer style) +S (paste layer style to linked layer)+A. Adjust the new layer ALT+L+J +L (gradient) +V +I (inversion) +T (threshold) +P (hue separation) Change the layer content ALT+L+H Layer content option ALT+L+O Text ALT+L+T +C (create working path) +A (convert to shape). (no anti-aliasing) +R (anti-aliasing sharpening) +I (anti-aliasing clarity) +S (anti-aliasing strength) +M (anti-aliasing smoothness) +P (conversion to point text) +W (text deformation) Rasterization ALT+L+Z +T (text) +S (shape) +F (filling content)+ Enable layer mask ALT+L+B add vector mask ALT+L+X enable layer ALT+L+F trim ALT+L+M +D (trim) +B (remove black mask) +W (remove white mask) [select] ALT+S color range ALT+S+C modify ALT+S+M +B (boundary) +S. Expand select ALT+S+G select similar ALT+S+R transform select ALT+S+T load select ALT+S+L store select ALT+S+S[ filter ALT+T filter gallery ALT+T+G[ view] proofreading set ALT+V+U (display RGB) +L (simulate paper white) +T (simulate ink black) print size. +M (full-screen mode with menu) +F (full-screen mode) (this set of commands corresponds to pressing the F key continuously, Except under the text tool) display ALT+V+H +S (selection edge) +L (slice) +O (comment) +A (all) +N (none) +I (display extra options) Align to ALT+V+T +G (reference line) +R (grid) +S (slice)+D. ALT+W Arrange ALT+W+A +D (Cascading) +T (Collage) +I (Arrange [Batch] ALT+F+U+B [File] Automatic [Script] ALT+F+K [Edit] Alt+EClear: Alt+E+E; Spelling check: alt+e+h; Find and replace text: alt+e+x; Stroke: alt+e+s; Transformation: ALT+E+A +S (scaling); +R (rotation); +K (oblique cutting); +D (distortion); +P (perspective); +1 (rotation 180 degrees); +9 (rotated 90 degrees clockwise); +0 (90 degrees counterclockwise); +H (horizontal flip); +(V) Flip vertically. [picture] ALT+I mode: ALT+I+M +G (gray scale); +D (two tones); +I (index color); +R(RGB color); +C(CMYK color); Adjustment: ALT+I+A +c (brightness/contrast); +F (photo filter CS function); +W (dark tone/highlight CS function); Image size: alt+I+I; Canvas size: alt+s; Rotate canvas: ALT+I+E+1 rotate 180 degrees +9 rotate 90 degrees clockwise +0 rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise [layer] ALT+L create ALT+L+w copy layer ALT+L+D delete alt+l+l layer +K link layer +H hide layer layer layer style ALT+L+Y +N blending option +D projection +I inner shadow +O outer glow+W inner glow +B bevel and relief +T luster +V color overlay+G. Gradient overlay+Y pattern overlay+K. A transparent layer style +L global light +R Create layer (note: it is to convert the layer style into a layer) +H +R pattern Newly adjusted layer ALT+L+J +L color scale +V curve +B color balance +C brightness/contrast +H hue/saturation +S optional color +X channel mixer +M gradient mapping +I inversion +T threshold +P tone separation text ALT+. Anti-aliasing strength +M anti-aliasing smoothing +P conversion to point text +W text deformation rasterization ALT+L+Z +T text +S shape +F filling content +V vector mask +L layer +K link layer +A all layers [selection] ALT+S color range ALT+S+C modification ALT+S+M +B boundary +S smoothing +E extension+. ALT+T filter library ALT+T+G [Window menu] ALT+W Workspace ALT+W+K +K Reset palette position CorelDRAW 9 shortcut key displays the navigator window. N Run the editor of Visual Basic application Alt+F 1 1 Save the current drawing Ctrl+S to open the edit text dialog Ctrl+Shift+T to erase a part of the drawing or divide an object into two closed paths X to undo the last operation Ctrl+Z to undo the last operation Alt+Backsp. Ase Vertical Distance Alignment Center Shift+A Vertical Scattering Alignment Center Shift+C Vertical Alignment Center C Change the text to vertical arrangement (toggle) Ctrl+. Open the existing drawing document Ctrl+O to print the current drawing Ctrl+P to open the dimension tool shutter Alt+F 10. Run the zoom action, then return to the previous tool F2 to run the zoom action, and then return to the previous tool Z. Export the text or object to another format Ctrl+E Import the text or object Ctrl+I Move the selected object to the back Shift+B Move the selected object to the back Shift+PageDown Move the selected object to the front Shift+T will select the object. Move to Front Shift+PageUp Move the selected object to the right +R Move the selected object to the left +L Align the text with the baseline Alt+F 12 Align the object with the grid (toggle). Ctrl+Y aligns the center of the selected object with the center of the page. p Draw a symmetrical polygon. y Split the selected object. Ctrl+K Align the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the stage. Shift+P Align the dispersion of the selected object with the horizontal center of the page. Shift+E Open the envelope tool roller shutter Ctrl+F7 Open the symbol and special character tool roller shutter Ctrl+F6543. 8+0 1 Copy the selected item to the clipboard Ctrl+C Copy the selected item to the clipboard Ctrl+Ins Set the format of the text attribute Ctrl+T Restore the last undo operation Ctrl+Shift+Z Cut the selected object and put it on the clipboard Ctrl+X Cut the selected object and put it on the clipboard Shift+Del reduces the font size to the previous font size setting. Ctrl+ keypad 2 applies gradient fill to the object F 1 1, and draws a rectangle with the selected object Ctrl+L; Double-click this tool to create a page frame F6. Open the outline pen dialog box F 12. Open contour drawing tool roller shutter Ctrl+F9 to draw a spiral line. Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab A of the Options dialog box and start the spelling checker; Check the spelling of the selected text Ctrl+F 12 Switch between the current tool and the selection tool Ctrl+Space Deselect one or more groups of objects Ctrl+U Display a full-screen preview of the drawing F9 Combine the selected objects Ctrl+G Delete the selected objects Del Align T Reduce the font size to a list of font sizes on the selected objects. The last available setting, Ctrl+ Keypad 4, goes to the previous page, moves the position of the lens relative to the painting upward, Alt+↑ generates the "Property Bar" and aims at the first visible item that can be marked, Ctrl+back pase opens the "View Manager Tool Roller Curtain", Ctrl+F2 switches between the two most recently used view qualities, and Shift+F9 draws lines in the "Hand Drawing" mode. Bar and curve F5 Use this tool to translate the drawing H according to the current option or tool ALT+BACPASE to refresh the current drawing window. Ctrl+W is horizontally aligned with the center of the selected object E, and the text arrangement is changed to Ctrl+ horizontal. Open the zoom tool Alt+F9 to zoom all the objects to the maximum F4, zoom the selected objects to the maximum Shift+F2, and shrink the figure F3 in the drawing to add padding to the objects. Click to drag the object to realize fountain filling G to open the lens tool shutter Alt+F3 to open the graphic style tool shutter Ctrl+F5 to exit CorelDRAW and prompt to save the active drawing Alt+F4 to draw an ellipse and a circle F7 to draw a rectangular group D to convert the object into a grid filling object M to open the position tool shutter Alt+F7 to add text (click to add "WordArt"; Drag to add "paragraph text") F8 Align the selected object below b Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list Ctrl+ Keypad 6 Go to the next page PageDown Move the lens down relative to the picture Alt+↓ Function Alt+F2 has the property of specifying linear dimension line to add/delete bullets of text objects (switch). Ctrl+M moves the selected object to the next position in the object stack order Ctrl+PageDown moves the selected object to the previous position in the object stack order Ctrl+PageUp uses the ultra-fine factor to fine-tune the object up Shift+↑ fine-tune the object up Ctrl+↑ uses the ultra-fine factor to fine-tune the object up. Use the factor Shift+↓ to fine-tune the object down; Use the fine-tuning factor Ctrl+↓ to fine-tune the object down; Use the overshoot factor Shift+← Fine-tune the object to the right Use the overshoot factor Ctrl+← Use the overshoot factor Shift+ Fine-tune the object to the left → Double-click this tool to open the node to edit the roller shutter F 10 to open the rotary tool roller shutter Alt+F8 to open the dialog box for setting CorelDRAW options to print the page Shift+F4 to align the selected object to the right, R to move the lens to the right relative to the painting, Alt+← Reproduce the selected object. Ctrl+ Keypad 8 Paste the contents of the clipboard into the drawing Ctrl+V Paste the contents of the clipboard into the drawing Shift+Ins starts "What is this? "Help Shift+F 1 to repeat the last operation. Ctrl+R converts calligraphy into paragraph text and vice versa. Ctrl+F8 converts the selected object into a curve. Ctrl+Q converts the outline into an object. Ctrl+Shift+Q Use fixed width, pressure sensing, calligraphy or preset "natural pen" style to draw a curve i Align the selected object to the left l Move the lens to the left relative to the painting Alt+→ Edit the text to display all available/ Active HTML font size list Ctrl+Shift+H changes the text alignment to misaligned Ctrl+N finds the specified text in the painting Alt+F3 changes the text style to bold Ctrl+B changes the text alignment to line width scattered text Ctrl+H changes the case of the selected text Shift+F3 reduces the font size to the previous size Ctrl+ Keypad 2 makes the text alignment more accurate. Change to center alignment Ctrl+E Change the text alignment to both ends alignment Ctrl+J Change all text characters to small uppercase characters Ctrl+Shift+K Delete the caret on the right side of the text Ctrl+DelDelete the caret Del on the right side of the text Reduce the font size to the font size previously available in the font size list. Set Ctrl+ Keypad 4 to move the text caret up one paragraph Ctrl+↑ Move the text caret up one text box PageUp Move the text caret up one line ↑ Add/delete the initial placement format of the text object (switch) Ctrl+Shift+D Select the Text tab. Open the options dialog Ctrl+F 10 Change the text style to underlined style Ctrl+U Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list Ctrl+ Keypad 6 Move the text caret down one paragraph Ctrl+↓ Move the text caret down one text box page Move the text caret down one line ↓ Display. Non-printing characters Ctrl+Shift+C Select a paragraph of text up Ctrl+Shift+Write Select a text box up Shift+Write Select a paragraph of text up Ctrl+Shift+Write Select a text box up Shift+PageUp Select a line of text up Shift+Write. Select a paragraph of text Ctrl+Shift+↓ Select a text box Shift+PageDown Select a line of text Shift+↓ Change the text style to italic Ctrl+I Select the text at the end of the text Ctrl+Shift+PageDown Select the text at the beginning of the text Ctrl+Shift+PageUp Select the text box to start. Text Ctrl+Shift+Home Select the text at the end of the text box Ctrl+Shift+End Select the text at the beginning of the line Shift+Home Select the text at the end of the line Shift+End Select the word to the right of the text caret Ctrl+Shift+← Select the character to the right of the text caret Shift+← Select the word c to the left of the text caret. Trl+Shift+→ Select the character to the left of the caret Shift+→ Display a list of all painting styles Ctrl+Shift+S Move the caret to the beginning of the text Ctrl+PageUp Move the caret to the end of the text box Ctrl+End Move the caret to the beginning of the text box Ctrl+Home Move the caret to. Move to the home page at the beginning of the line Move the caret to the end of the line Move the caret to the end of the text Ctrl+PageDown Change the text alignment to right alignment Ctrl+R Move the caret to the right by one word Ctrl+← Move the caret to the right by one character ← Increase the font size to the next font size setting. Ctrl+ Keyboard 8 shows the list of all available/active font sizes Ctrl+Shift+W shows the list of all available/active font sizes Ctrl+Shift+P shows the list of all available/active fonts Ctrl+Shift+F changes the text alignment to left alignment Ctrl+L moves the text caret left by one word Ctrl+→ moves the text caret left by one character →