When Wang Xizhi is practicing calligraphy, he always goes to a state of forgetting himself. Once, when he was eating, the rice was steamed bread with garlic paste. But Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy while eating, and his eyes were still looking at calligraphy, so he mistakenly dipped the ink into garlic and ate it. As a result, my mouth is black.
Wang Xizhi loved learning calligraphy since he was a child, and he often reached the state of forgetting himself. It is this spirit that makes his calligraphy profound. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was inspired by his father Wang Kuang and his uncle Wang Xun. He was a good book at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he stole the pen theory of the previous generation from his father's pillow. Wang Kuang's good deeds and official letters; Wang Kui is good at calligraphy and painting. Wang Sengqian once commented in "On Books": "Before crossing the river to the east and the right army, Wei Xiao was the best, painting was the teacher, and literature was the law of the right army." Wang Xizhi was deeply influenced by the Wangs in calligraphy since he was a child.