Princess Xin 'an is the third daughter of Jian Wendi Sima Yu, whose real name is Sima Daofu, but her mother is Xu Guiren, and she was not born at the beginning. When Princess Xin 'an came of age, she married Huan Ji, the son of the powerful minister Huan Wen. But Princess Xin 'an has always admired the world-famous Wang Xianzhi and wanted to marry him. Later, Huan Ji tried to rebel and failed. Princess Xin 'an took the opportunity to divorce Huan Ji and return to being single. But by this time, Wang Xianzhi had married her cousin Xi honorably. To say that Yun Daomao was born in a bureaucratic family, but his father died later, and he didn't give Wang Xianzhi a son. Princess Xin 'an began to be a demon.
In ancient times, it was emphasized that "there are three kinds of unfilial, and there is no big after." Princess Xin 'an forced Wang Xianzhi and Xi to divorce with dignity through imperial power. In order not to divorce his wife, Wang Xianzhi burned her feet with wormwood to discourage Princess Xin 'an. Unfortunately, Princess Xin 'an is infatuated with Wang Xianzhi, and even if Wang Xianzhi is disabled, she has to get married. In desperation, Wang Xianzhi divorced his wife and married Princess Xin 'an. Poor Xi Daomao lost her husband, children and father and never married again. Later, Wang Xianzhi also gave birth to a daughter Wang Shen 'ai with Princess Xin 'an. When Wang Shen Ai grew up, she married the emperor Sima Dezong and became a queen.
Princess Xin 'an's infatuation is true, but it is really shameful for the world to destroy her family under the banner of true love.