What should I do if the computer is overheated?

Computers tend to overheat when used for a long time, and so does my laptop (1 1 Lenovo K27). But then I kept two good habits, so I haven't had any big problems when I use them now.

Clean the fan and radiator once every six months.

I usually keep cleaning the fan and heat sink once every six months (brush with a small brush, remove it and blow it with a leather tiger).

Apply silicone grease every two years.

Silicone grease is changed only once every two years (the year before last, the fan was found to be not very good, and then the fan was changed).

Reinstall the system regularly.

Keeping the computer reloaded once a year, sometimes it is because of the software loading and unloading or the messy software inadvertently installed, which leads to the excessive use of CPU or memory and the high temperature.

Erase the hard disk regularly.

The easiest way is to remove the hard disk regularly and reinstall the system.

Use a cooling rack or a cooling pad.

Or use a notebook cooling rack, or pad the periphery of the notebook, which can also play a good role in cooling.

Keep good habits

If you don't have much demand on the performance of your computer at ordinary times, keeping the above good habits can make your computer last longer.