When ancient people practiced calligraphy, they first had to practice their eyes, that is, read the posts carefully. Huang Tingjian, a calligrapher in the Song Dynasty, said: "The ancients did not always rely on copying to learn to write. They often hung the ancient calligraphy works on the walls, watched them with concentration, and then started writing when they saw it correctly." Ouyang Xun of the Tang Dynasty discovered Jin Dynasty's calligraphy works. I couldn't bear to leave the monument written by Dai Suojing, so I simply sat down and read the monument for three days. The more posts you read, the sharper your eyesight will be, and you will know how to write well and what is good about it.
The ancients practiced writing carefully and diligently. After they had a certain foundation in copying celebrity calligraphy, they refined their own style of writing through practice makes perfect, and finally became their own style.