Songjiagou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Benjita Town, Linghai City, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 22. The zoning code is 217811427, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 21781. The postal code is 121, the long-distance telephone area code is 416, and the license plate number is Liao G. Songjiagou Village is adjacent to Laohuguan Village, Guajiasi Village, Kongjiafangshen Village, Guodatun Village, Mianhuadi Village, Baishantun Village, Gangyaogou Village, Beixiaosi Village, Zamulinzi Village, Donggedong Village, Xidi Village and Bangui Tower Village.
There are some tourist attractions near Songjiagou Village, such as Benji Tower, Linghai Ganlong Monument, Jinzhou Bijia Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain in western Liaoning, Jinzhou World Expo Park, etc., and there are some special products such as Jinzhou Maoxia, Jinzhou Scapharca, dried sauce meat, pancake and Linghai Cloth Tiger.