Time is not alive, and it is difficult to drown Ming Mingde; When the smoke falls, the mountains and rivers return. It is based on the Millennium conquest, born with the spirit of Shu, cherished by the people and praised by Datong. When Master Xing finished his work, he went to Beijing. Zisai is in the north and Yanmen is in the south. Who is fat and who is wild, look at the firm but gentle yellow flowers. Nine cities fell, and Jin' ou was good; During the three dynasties in Beijing, green kerbs were carved with jade steps. Dragon Xi, Tao Tao Xi, Jia Bing washed, sea and sky are the same color; It is magnificent, magnificent, bathed by the people and civilized. Therefore, it is difficult to be poor for a hundred generations; People under the capital are regarded as the hope of Jiuyuan. On the occasion of yesterday's flood, people were born in Evonne, and they were left behind, chasing grass by grass. Feng Gang looked up and picked up the cool Bo Xue; The earth is full of energy, cutting the horizontal and vertical clouds. What's more, all China people live together, participate in each other and learn from each other. Khufu riding and shooting, Wuling Wang Xiong is unique; Han David Zhang system, Emperor Xiaowen spread everywhere. Pipa collection, Wang Qiang standards and pro-policies; Picking and gathering is a chapter in Xiao Chuo's management of Fengtai. Wild goose over scented tea, Aobao spring flower; Eagle with cheese, Qiu Xin has gone to Chang 'an. Merchants come to Jia, the north and the south gradually merge, the left and right are harmonious, and Changle is vast. China's great voice is sincere. However, in Wan Li, Guanshan, the hero is more Zhang, the Great Wall is divided, and there is a conquest on behalf of it. It's the man's great wish to walk on clouds and fog. On the basis of the construction of Mengtian dispatched by Qin Dynasty, Hanwu achieved great heights, Tang Zongqi achieved great majesty, and Song Zu used Yang's courage. More modu chanyu, longan; Genghis Khan, turn around. The city is flat, which generation did the suffering start from? Pingcheng wants peace, and great unity comes from the Long March. Those who can show off: the tiger symbol is brilliant, and the clothes roll thousands of miles; Horse neighing, wrong knife licking, cold. Sigh: Hua Cheng, who wiped the blood of the suburbs; There are nine theories about meritorious military service, and there is no crying in the balcony. Compared with the lost mirror of gold, the beauty, the beauty, the mo and the mo, Datong thought it was embarrassing because of the water of mulberry branches and the wall of Qin and Han Dynasties. Wan Ren, a city gate, has four streets, a feather forest and a winding palace building. How strong. How magnificent it is to cultivate rites and music inside, respect Confucianism and talents, and have a vast territory and a ancestral river outside. Six emperors and seven emperors, a hundred years in an instant. Compared with the city, the situation is bleak. In the calendar of Liao, Jin and Jing Hua, Datong is famous for its military. Those who are not covered by military affairs are also treasures of heaven. After nine turns in Liantai, Hua Yanxing came to the blessed land; Dragons are like eight points, Yungang plows Brahma. Clouds look at the moon, and Longteng splits out the spiritual wall; Wash in Lin Xiawei, and the phoenix will smell sweet. Therefore, the sigh of Matthew will last forever, and the rich country will last forever. The vast sea of coal, who can extract the fire of the heart; Fan Tao, thousands of people, patrol car Tianhe. Keep pace with the times and invite Zhang Zeduan to paint well; It means that the mountain is blocked, and it is difficult to worry about Fan Zhongyan first. Dunwen is the largest, Cheng Kang is the same, steaming on it, and the country is a high arch. Sincerity is also a great responsibility in China. It's a poem that says, "You and the Ranger are singing in the wind, and you will take off as soon as you jump the Great Wall." . The ambition of a hundred miles has turned into a clear sky, and the past of a thousand years has turned into a vast expanse. The rain is fragrant and purple, and the wild geese fly in calm. Look at the height of the wilderness, and the world of Datong has no boundaries.
This poem is a 10 meter calligraphy scroll written by a famous journalist and planner Qu Jinxing, Yu Yu, a famous journalist Jia Yubao and a famous calligrapher. It was grandly launched at the opening ceremony of Yungang Hengshan Tourism Festival in Datong, China in 2005.