Before Confucius, after Song Dynasty, Wei was the son of Zhou's eldest brother, Di Yi, and Zhou's vassal was the king of Qing Dynasty. Wei was made a viscount. In the early days, Wang Yin, the son of Zhou, was appointed as Song, which made him worship Tang. The collapse of the king of Wu made it difficult for his uncle to turn off the financial fire, and the duke of Zhou joined hands with the king. The following year, the Duke of Zhou embarrassed him. After inheriting Wei, his name is, he gave birth to his son Song Zhou. Although transferred to other places, but the class is not so good, you can call it an old official. Therefore, although it was Song Gong, it was Wei's name when he died. As for Ji, it is called. Song Gong gave birth to Shen, Gong * *, Xiang Gong gave birth to Fu He, and Xiang Gong gave birth. So take Confucius as the surname. Confucius was born with a number, so his descendants took the clan. Confucius gave birth to a wooden father, Jin father gave birth to a eunuch, and the eunuch gave birth to a eunuch, thus avoiding the disaster in Fahrenheit. Fang Shu gave birth to Xia Bo and Xia Bo gave birth to Liang Shu, saying that although she had nine daughters, she had no children. His concubine gave birth to Meng Pi, whose name is Meng Pi and Bernie. "The second daughter is not right, it is in Jin Yue:" If my father made me, what would I ask for? Father said, "Yes, I can." "So I took my wife's brand to see me in the temple, and I was afraid that my husband would have the courage from time to time when he was old. It was a private prayer for the mountain of mud hills and gave birth to Confucius, hence the name Qiu. Confucius was three years old, and Shu Liangju.
Master Qi and Shilu met Confucius, and Confucius spoke to him. Confucius said, "I've heard a lot about Zi, but learning is precious because I know the height of Mount Tai and the depth of the deep sea. I regret that the master didn't meet the Ming king, and his virtue was not added to the people, but he would cherish the treasure so as to leave it to future generations. " He retired and called Shu Jing to the Nangong, saying, "Confucius was born in the declining Zhou Dynasty, and Wang's ancient books were chaotic and undisciplined. Instead, discuss the legacy of a hundred schools of thought, test its meaning, narrate Yao and Shun by ancestors, establish the articles of association of Wenwu, delete poems and narrate books, salute music, praise the Spring and Autumn Period, instruct its heirs, think it is the law, and carry out its morality. However, all the teachings were put on the table, with more than 3000 people. There must be a thriving population. Today, there is no end to the master's way. Although he wants to say goodbye to heaven, he has no ears. " Zi Gong heard about it and told it to Confucius in the words of his second son. Confucius said, "Is it true?" Governance is slow, and governance is self-motivated. "
I finally remember the 40th time.
Confucius said the morning flea, dragging his staff with his negative hand, was at large at the door and sang, "Mount Tai is decadent! Liang is a bad person! Zhejiang people are all embarrassed! " I was sitting at home when the song entered. When Zigong heard this, he said, "Mount Tai collapsed and I rest in peace; Liang He is not good, so I let a staff member go. The philosopher's downfall, I will knock him down. The master will get sick. " Then he rushed in. The master sighed and said, "here, why aren't you late?" I sat between two rows of trees and drank. My funeral was on the east stage, and the funeral of Yin people was between the two rows, that is, the host and guest were seated together, and the funeral was on the west stage. My father has no self-discipline. " Zi Gong said, "Is it fair to be in Shandong? The master said: "rudeness is chaos; If you lose your name, you will be confused; If you lose your ambition, you will be confused; If you lose your life, it will be useless; It is indecent to die. " "Since you died, the master served the master. Zi Gong said," If you lose your son, you lose Yan Hui. " It's not awkward to go out. "Zi Lobbying:" I heard that all the masters have lost their friends and are embarrassed to live, but it is not. Although they are embarrassed about losing respect, they can go out. "The loss of Confucius, the loss of the public and the loss of the west, is called' three shells' and' clothes', plus royal clothes, and it is crowned with the crown of Zhang Fu. Not as good as the spring, sealed in the shape of an axe, four feet high, towering trees and cypresses. Disciples are all at home in the tomb, and they are respectful. Xia Zi's family was buried at the time of burial, and Zi Gong said, "I am also buried by people. Saints don't bury saints, but the son of man loves to watch." Yesterday, the master said, "If I am made a summer resort, I will see an axe." Ersanzi died in three years, or stayed or went, but Zigong stayed in the tomb for six years. Since then, disciples and Lu people in the tomb have made this their home, because they live in the cave.
Solution to Article 4 1
Confucius went out when he was in Qi and Qi Huangong, but he didn't make progress. The minister said to him, "In the past, the monarch's fields were also used to recruit doctors, and bows were used to recruit scholars. I didn't see the leather crown, and I didn't dare to go in, so I gave up. " Confucius said, "It is better to be an official than a Taoist."
Ji Kangzi asked Ran Qiu to lead Zuo to conquer it, and Fan Chi was on the right. If you don't believe in the Son, please surpass it in three minutes. Follow the crowd and you can join the Qi army. The Qi army can escape and enter the Yan. Confucius heard that it is "righteousness". When you fight, Ji Sun says you have learned from it. How sexy is it? "Yes, learn." Ji Sun said, "Is it possible to learn from Confucius? You Ran said, "Even Confucius is a scholar." . If he is a master of Confucius, there is nothing wrong with him. He can be both military and civilian, and he can also learn his tactics. Still not detailed. "Sun Yue and Fan Chi told Confucius in the last season. Confucius said, "Ji Sun can be described as likable and capable. "
Nan Rong said that Zhong Sun should avoid mourning, but his fate has not been realized without Zhao Gong. It is his destiny to decide whether the public will inherit the throne. He said, "My first minister left a legacy, saying," A man's courtesy is also his job, and no indecent assault can be tolerated. "He told his second minister to learn manners from Confucius to determine his position." He agreed. His second son learns from Confucius. ..
Sun Wenzi, Wei, offended the public and the clan by offering sacrifices, and the public pawn was not buried. Wen Zi is ringing the bell. Yan promoted his son to Jin and said to him, "What a difference! When the master comes, the swallows are still nesting in the curtain, but they are still not afraid. Why bother? At the funeral in June, but what? Wen Zi refused to listen to the harp and harp all his life. Confucius heard: "Ji Zi can be righteous, and Wen Zi can be self-restrained, which can be described as fickle. "
Confucius read the Book of Jin, Jin and Zhao assassinated him, died, and returned before the mountain. History book Zhao Dun regicide. Dun said, "Otherwise." The history book says, "A son is a righteous official, and he will not seek a thief when he dies, but who he will seek without seeking a son." Escape: "alas! I'm pregnant and I'm loyal to her, so I'm not! Confucius sighed: "Donghu has a good history, but calligraphy is not hidden." Zhao, a doctor in ancient times, also suffered evil for the law, but he inevitably regretted crossing the line. "
Zheng cut Chen, entered it, and made Zi Chan a contribution to Jin. Jin people asked Chen about his sin. Zi Chan said, "Zhou Chen's great virtue was also harmed by Chu Zhong's help. If he doesn't get his life, he will have the battle of the East Gate. When Chen digs the tunnel, he will be afraid of damaging the city, and the sky will lure him, and the heart of opening the city will also be. " Right: "The former king's life was only due to sin, and each led his own monarch. In the past, when the emperor died, all countries naturally declined together, and so did the system of the Zhou Dynasty. Most big countries are dead today, so how can they not invade small countries? " Jin people said: "His words are very smooth." Confucius heard this and asked Zigong to say, "Where there is a will, there is a way."
King Chu Ling eliminated extravagance. Right Yin Zige sat on the bench, while Zuo Shi leaned forward. The King of Qi said, "I am good at reading history, so I can read the Three Tombs and Five Classics, eight books and nine hills." He said: "People with a good history will remember your mistakes and preach your kindness, and this son is an official who embellishes things, so he can't be a good history." He said, "I am a scholar with taste." "Yes:" Yes, its poem says: "I pray for Zhao Yu, whose style is Zhao Deyin, thinking of me in the capital, as jade as gold, and punishing the people not to get drunk." "The spirit king pushed in, unable to eat, unable to sleep, but unable to overcome their emotions for several days, very difficult.
Uncle Zimu took refuge in Gengzong City, and Gengzong's widow gave birth to a cow. Zi Mu returned to Shandong, and the cow stood in it, which made him look at his family. When his uncle and grandson were ill, the cow died without food, and the cow stood up with the help of his uncle and grandson's nephew. Since Zhao Zi stood in court, his family said, "It is a disaster for Uncle Sun Shi to erect a cow."
In Jin Dynasty, Xing Hou and Yong Zi fought for land, and Uncle Fish took the lead. The sin was Yong Zi, who took his daughter as Uncle Fish. Uncle Fish cheated Xing Hou, and Xing Hou angrily killed Uncle Fish and Yong Zi in the DPRK. Han blamed Uncle Xiang, who said, "It's nothing if three traitors sit together and give birth to human life. Yongzi knows his sin and bribes straight. " Uncle Yong Zi, the fish corpse in the city. Confucius said, "Uncle is a legacy of the previous dynasty. Governing the country and punishing evil is not hidden from relatives. Counting uncle fish's sins is not the end, but the righteousness, which can be described as straight. Will Qiu Ping must count its bribes, lenient to protect the country, not to rush it; Go back to Lu and call it cheating to forgive Lu and not insult Jin; In Xing Gong's prison, it is unfair to say that he is greedy for money and will be promoted after changing the punishment book. In three words, three evils are eliminated, three benefits are added, and the pro-benefit is killed, yifu. "
Zheng has a township school. He is a scholar in the township school. He is not in power, but he wants to destroy the township school. Zi chan said, "why destroy it?" My wife retired sooner or later to discuss whether it is good to be in power, and I will do it if she is good; If not, I'll change it. If it is destroyed, I will listen to persuasion and resentment, but I will not listen to bullying and resentment. If I make a big decision, I will hurt more people and I will save it. It's better to make a small decision and guide, but from what I heard, it's better to take medicine. "Confucius said:" I regard it as a view, and people say that Zi is heartless. I don't believe it either. "
Four people, Yu, Qi Hou, League of Brothers and Zheng Zi, fought for the inheritance of tribute, saying, "In the past, the Emperor of Heaven paid tribute based on respect, tribute and weekly system. The humble paid tribute, and Zheng Bo and Nan also paid tribute, so that they did not dare to pay tribute, did not dare to ask for it, and even lost their heads because of the dispute between Japan and China." Jin people made promises. Confucius said
When Zheng Zi was ill, he said, "I am dead and my son is in power. Only the virtuous can be lenient for the people, and the second is fierce. My husband's fire is fierce and the people are afraid of it, so he will die. " When the water is weak, many people die, so it is difficult to be lenient. "My son is dead, my great-uncle is in power, and I can't bear to be fierce and lenient. Zheng Guo plundered more thieves. My great-uncle said regretfully, "If I had been a teacher earlier, I wouldn't have been as good as I am now. Confucius listened and said, "Good! Political leniency means people are slow, slow means fierce, and fierce means people are disabled. Disabled people are lenient, leniency means fierceness, fierceness means leniency, leniency means fierceness, and politics means harmony. The poem says, "Although people are tired, they can live a well-off life in China, so that they can benefit from it on all sides." They are generous, they don't follow the trend, but they are unscrupulous and restrained.
Confucius was in the middle, passing by Mount Tai, and a woman was crying and mourning in the wild. Hearing this, the master said, "This funeral is like a serious worry." Zi Gong asked him, "My uncle died in the tiger, my husband died, and now my son is dead." Zi Gong said, "Why not go?" The woman said, "There is no tyranny." Zi Gong told Confucius. Confucius said, "Warawako knows that tyranny is fiercer than tiger violence."
In the Jin and Wei Dynasties, the sage was in power, and the field of Qi Yangtong was divided. Xun Oak was destroyed to reward the doctor and his achievements. Jia Xin said, "Today's monarch is more powerful than the royal family. I am praising him, not falling in love." Confucius said, "What Wei Zi did was beautiful."
The state of Jin has given bells and drums to cast punishment ding, and fan has written punishment books. Confucius said, "The State of Jin is robbing and losing. The state of Jin must abide by the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and the people must abide by the longitude and latitude. The people view their industry by order, and the people view their industry by Tao, which is called degree. A literate official is an official. What is he ye's defense? How can a country without order exist? What's more, the punishment of husband's proclamation is also the shame of foreigners and the chaos of Jin State. How can it be the law? "
When King Zhao and Chu were ill, he said, "The river god is precious." When Wang's father offered sacrifices to heaven, the doctor invited him to sacrifice in the suburbs. Wang said: "Three generations have sacrificed their lives, but there is no hope. Jianghan fell into a depression, and Chu expected something, but it was not too much. Although the valley is not virtuous, the river is not guilty. " So he didn't sacrifice. Confucius said, "King Zhao Chu knows."
Wen Zi, Kong Wei, made his great-uncle sick from his wife, but with his female wife, he induced his first wife's illness in order to build a palace for him and marry his children as a gift to his second wife. Wen Zi was angry and attacked him. Confucius left home and visited Yan. Confucius said, "If you lose weight, you should learn a lesson." "Wen Zi suddenly stopped," how dare you settle? Also visit the difficulties of defending the country. " At the end of the meeting, Ji Kangzi asked about the war in Ranqiu. Ran Qiu was right, saying, "All the people taught by Confucius are ghosts and gods, and they have no regrets and are famous for their use." Kang Zi said that he mourned the masses and greeted Confucius with money, saying, "People who have the trust of Ran Qiu will be of great use. "
Chen Heng of Qi killed his Jane, and Confucius heard about it. Bath for three days, suitable for the DPRK. He said to Aigong, "Chen Heng killed his monarch, please behead him." After making three entreaties, the husband said, "Lu has been weak for a long time. What if I cut it?" On the other hand, Confucius said, "Chen Heng killed the king, but half of them refused, and half of them in Shandong added up." On the other hand, Confucius said, "I'll tell Ji Jia." After becoming a doctor, I dare not tell them. "
Zhang Zi asked, "Shu Yun, the emperor remained silent for three years, but his words were very harmonious. What is the reason? " ? Confucius said, "Hu Weifei is also. If the ancient emperor collapsed, the prince of China was entrusted to manage Zhuze for three years, and the Tang Dynasty failed. The imperial clan will listen to Yi Yin, the king of Wu will lose, and the king of Zhou will listen to it. "
Huan's son attacked Qi and was defeated. Qi people took advantage of the situation, held out a new doctor, and led troops to save Huan's son, who survived. Wei ren rewarded Zhong Shu with a city, invited him to write a song, and made many promises. The book is in Sanguan. The guard Lutz knew the reason and went to visit Confucius. Confucius said, "I cherish it."
My father's mother, Wenbo, was puzzled by her spinning performance. Wenbo protested to her. Her mother said, "The duchess and princess are big for the Xuan clothes woven by the ancient queen. The married woman became a sacrificial dress, and the scholar's wife married her husband together with the royal dress. Since the ordinary scholar left, she has been given services. Confucius said, "Disciple, Ji's wife is more than enough. "
Ask Confucius: "Bao is loyal to the master, persistent when he is in charge, and you are the most successful when you are in charge?" Confucius said, "Those who are loyal to the country and supplemented by Taoism, those who are loyal to the country retreat and avoid it. Today, Bao Jizi eats in a promiscuous dynasty and does not know the brightness of the Lord. Therefore, he is not as wise as Kwai, but he can still keep his feet. "
Ji Kangzi wanted to visit Confucius with the method of mining field. Confucius said, "Qiu Fu knows everything." You Ran said three times, "I am an old man, and I am waiting for my son. What if I say nothing? " Confucius was wrong: "ask, you come, you smell, the first king made soil, relying on heaven to benefit, the bottom is far and near;" Give in, but measure nothing; Let's start with the old and the young. Therefore, if you are widowed and lonely and sick, you will be levied when you leave the army, and you will have nothing. If you collect it every year, leave a well and collect it. It's not too much to make rice and grass. The former king thought it was enough, and a gentleman's trip must be polite and generous. Let's take this as an example.
Ziyou asked Confucius, "Can you smell the benefits of Confucius' extreme words? Confucius said, "This is only about loving the people." The son lobbied, "loving the people is moral education, why should we give benefits?" Confucius said: "Confucius is the mother of all people, who can eat and teach." Zi You said, "What's the matter? Confucius said, "A child who wants to help the winter is without love. "
The mourner asked Confucius, "The second doctor and the third doctor advised me to respect dragons in my later years. Why? " Confucius said to him, "What you say depends on the whole world, not on honesty." Gong said, "Why?" Can you smell it? Confucius said, "In the past, Yu's family respected you, Yin's family respected you, Zhou's family respected you, Yu's family respected you, and the king of the world prospered. None of them were spared. People who live in the years are more expensive than those who live in the world for a long time, so the court is distinguished, 70 sticks are in the court, 80 sticks are not in the court, and 80 sticks are not in the court, but when you ask. His actions are shoulder to shoulder, but if he is good, he will follow. If he were white, he wouldn't be allowed to go to Kaminooji, but he would reach the main road. The old and poor living in their hometown are strong but not weak, and people are not violent, but they are close to the state lane; As the old saying goes, 50 is not for the code, but for the bird elders, and it depends on you when you get married; There is no martial arts in the army, and the same rank is respectable, but loyalty is in the army. As for the teaching of the holy king, filial piety was sent to the court and walked on the road. As for Zhouxiang, it was laid down and walked with the army. People felt righteous and dared to commit crimes even if they died. " The public said, "well, although I heard it, I can succeed."
The mourner asked Confucius, "I heard that Dongyi is unlucky. Do you believe it? " Confucius said, "There are five ominous things, but the benefits of the East have nothing to do with it. Husband harms others and benefits himself, and his body is ominous; Abandoning the old and taking care of the young is ominous at home; It is an ominous sign for the country to choose talents and appoint people by hook or by crook; Old people don't teach, young people don't learn, vulgar and ominous; Sages hide, fools gain power, and the world is ominous. There are five ominous things, which are beneficial to the east but not serious. "
Confucius adapted to Ji Sun, and Ji Sunzhi said, "What does it matter if you ask for leave in other places? Ji Sun didn't say anything. Confucius said, "The monarch I heard was given by the minister, the gift from the minister, the falsehood you said, and the gift from the gentleman." Ji Sun Ceylon realized, "My sincerity has not reached this meaning. "He ordered his butcher to say," From now on, you have taken it, and nothing can be said to be false. "