Study first and strive for self-improvement.
Calligraphy works with encouragement are very good choices. The words "Heaven is strong, the gentleman strives for self-improvement" and "The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with morality" mean that the movement of Heaven (that is, nature) is strong and healthy. Accordingly, a gentleman should be like the sky, constantly strive for self-improvement, be resolute and vigorous, and never stop; The potential of the earth is thick and slippery, and the gentleman is tolerant. A gentleman should run like Tianyu, indomitable even if he is displaced; If you are a gentleman, the measurement of objects should be like the earth, and nothing can't be carried.
The study hangs like a fish.
In addition to calligraphy works, you can choose nine pictures of fish. Nine red fish are homophonic with the word "Ru", and nine is homophonic with "Jiu", which means long-term, which translates into long-term contentment and has a good meaning. It is also a good choice to have a fish map every year.
Taboo of hanging pictures in the study
There are some inappropriate paintings hanging in the study; Don't hang too eye-catching red pictures, which will make your family easily injured or grumpy. The picture of beast school is not suitable for hanging, especially for people with weak constitution, otherwise it will lead to physical decline. The calligraphy and painting on the sofa should be horizontal, not vertical. If sofa and calligraphy and painting form two balanced horizontal lines, they can complement each other. It is not advisable to hang paintings with black tones or too deep colors, because such paintings look heavy and depressing, which makes people depressed and pessimistic and lack vitality.