What are the names of Wang Xizhi's sons?

Wang Xizhi has seven sons and one daughter, and almost all his children have made achievements in calligraphy.

Wang Xuan, the eldest son, whose name is Yuan Bo, is a cursive and official script. His wife, He. Xuanzang died of illness soon after his marriage, leaving no children, and his younger brother Ning's son became his heir. Xuanzhi attended the Lanting party hosted by his father Xizhi before his death, and there were posts handed down from generation to generation.

The second son, Wang Ningzhi, was named Shu Ping. He has served as Jiangzhou secretariat, right general, Huiji literature and history, and also worked as a cursive script and official script. He also attended the Lanting party hosted by his father Wang Xizhi. His wife Xie Daowen is a talented woman.

The third son, Wang Huanzhi, is good at cursive writing. I have studied my father's calligraphy since I was a child, and it has reached the level of similarity. There are posts handed down from generation to generation. Huan Zhi also attended the Lanting party hosted by his father Wang Xizhi.

Wang Zi's fourth son, Su Zhi, was young and respectful, and had been consulted by Zhong Shulang and a title of generals in ancient times. I attended the Lanting party hosted by my father, Wang Xizhi. Some poems were handed down later, but I didn't see their legal posts handed down from generation to generation.

The fifth son, Wang Huizhi, is one of the brothers who have made outstanding achievements in calligraphy.

Wang Liuzi fuck it, the word is heavy. He served as secretary supervisor, assistant, minister of history and governor of Zhang Yu. His wife, hershey. He's grandfather was a frequent visitor in the Tang Dynasty. Cao Cao has Xuanzhi and the second son Hui.

The seventh son, Wang Xianzhi, is the tallest calligrapher among the brothers.

Wang Xizhi's only daughter, whose name is unknown, only knows that she married Liu Chang in Yuyao, Zhejiang, and gave birth to a son and a daughter. Liu Jin, a gifted scholar, used to be a minister of history and a servant. Liu, a woman who married Xie Tiao's grandson Xie, is a famous poet Xie Lingyun. It can be seen that Xie Lingyun is the great-grandson of Wang Xizhi.