Confucius is the greatest writer and thinker in history. People not only worship him now, but also remember him in ancient times. In Confucius' hometown, there are three caves built by people to commemorate him, namely, Confucius Forest, Confucius House and Confucius Temple. There is a couplet at the entrance of Confucius Temple, which is said to have been written by Ji Xiaolan, a great scholar in Qing Dynasty. The first part is "Let's live in peace and prosperity with our country", and the second part is "On the same day, this is an old article about morality."
Later, it was found that there were two obvious typos in this couplet. The first couplet is a little missing, and the last chapter of the second couplet is broken. Besides, these two words are not traditional Chinese characters. How could Ji Xiaolan make a mistake? So some people think that he made a mistake on purpose.
But this is not the case. Our culture is profound, and Ji Xiaolan was a great scholar in Qing Dynasty. He also wrote a Siku Quanshu. He couldn't have missed these two typos. The reason why there are several rich words is because they represent the wealth of Confucius, and the bottom part of the chapter is early. The article on behalf of Confucius can reach the sky. Actually, it's all very good. Moreover, in ancient times, they often wrote vulgar prose, but this kind of vulgar prose was gradually eliminated in the later development.