As the old saying goes, "Yin is called Yang", and its name is generally written in white. Scholars have their own names, and their names are generally written in Zhu, such as Mr. Tao Yuanming, Mr. Wuliu, Li Bai, Qinglian and Su Shi. Seal is a very important part of the composition of calligraphy works, and its use is strictly regulated. If you use it well, you can make the finishing point, but if you use it badly, it is likely to make people laugh.
Ancient calligraphers and painters all had their own seals. A person may have many seals, which are the labels of his representative works. People with high literary literacy can identify the author by his representative works, but most people can only identify the author of the works by the name of the seal. The size, format and style of seals often become the basis and standard for future generations to judge and test works. The scarlet color of China's seal is calm, vivid, lively and exciting, and it can also show a person's understanding of art and attitude towards life through hard battles. However, a small seal contains profound national culture, and calligraphers of all ages attached great importance to the use of seals. There are many masters of seal cutting in history.