Three religions and nine streams are the first, three talents are the last, and the boy is Confucian, not daring to be the first or the last.
Liang Qichao went to visit Zhang Zhidong, but Zhang Zhidong turned a deaf ear and told the porter that he could see a couplet from above.
The first allied forces Zhang Zhidong said
The four rivers are the first, and the summer seasons are the second. The old people live in Jiangxia, and whoever comes first is the second.
The four waters are rivers, lakes and seas, so the river is the first, and the four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter, so summer is the second. The combination of river and summer is called Jiangxia.
Liang Qichao said to Yue
Three religions and nine streams are the first, three talents are the last, and the boy is Confucian, not daring to be the first or the last.
The three religions are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, so Confucianism comes first, and the three talents are heaven and earth. Therefore, the combination of Confucianism and the people is Confucianism.
Zhang Zhidong personally opened the door to meet after reading it.