Wang Jie's personality is honest and frank. When he was the head teacher in the upper study room, he severely lectured the Pope and made him kneel and stand. Once, when Qianlong met the prince and was punished by kneeling, he immediately stood up and said, "Teach the son of heaven, if you don't teach the son of heaven, you will be a monarch and a minister!" When Wang Jie saw this, he replied, "If you teach Yao and Shun, if you don't, you should be a teacher! Although it is not known in history, it shows people's reputation for integrity in Wang Jie and honest and frank.
Wang Jie has held an important position in the DPRK for more than ten years, being an upright official and daring to speak out. He was a rare honest man in the ruling group at that time, especially in the struggle against corrupt ministers and gentry, and he often fought with arsenic in the DPRK. After Emperor Jiaqing ascended the throne, he announced the 2 major crimes of Heshen. Wang Jie participated in the trial of Heshen's case and found out all kinds of crimes of corruption and bribery with arsenic. The Qing government's annual tax revenue was more than 7 million taels, but the amount of silver converted from the property of Heshen reached more than 8 million taels, which was equivalent to the total tax revenue of the court for more than ten years. After the case, Emperor Jiaqing ordered arsenic to commit suicide and confiscated his property. At that time, it was said: "When the gentlemen fell, Jiaqing was full." It can be seen that Wang Jie played an important role in the struggle against the gentry.
Before and after Emperor Jiaqing, the land annexation and exploitation in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan and Chu were very serious, and the people's lives were not very hard. The Bailian uprising broke out in Henan, Shaanxi and Sichuan, and the Qing army sent troops to encircle the nest, which could not be calmed down for a long time. Wang Jie was relieved of his official position due to illness, but he immediately wrote to Emperor Jiaqing, advocating the implementation of the policy of appeasement and giving preferential treatment to the "submissive" uprising masses, and believed that the root of the uprising was the darkness of local history. It is advocated that Xiang Yong and the insurgents be reorganized into formal troops by recruiting soldiers.
Wang Jie lived in the Qianlong and Jiaqing dynasties. In his youth, when Neo-Confucianism declined and Pu Xue rose, he was born in Guanzhong, and admired the practical learning style of Zhang Zai, the founder of Guan Xue. In the twenty-seventh year of Qianlong (1762), that is, the second year of Wang Jie's top scholar, it was the time when Zhang Zici came to an end again, and his hometown sent a letter asking him to write couplets. Wang Jie gladly wrote two couplets: the first one: Taoism shook Guanzhong, and the 16-character origin shook, and teaching and translation stayed. The second link: three generations can look forward to the long-cherished wish of the mine field, and the second inscription, such as uncovering the bean, can explain the merits. "To show that he is willing to inherit Zhang Gan's way of managing the world, his book Yi Shuo of Xing Garden is his masterpiece. Wang Jie was not recorded in "The Continuation of Guan Xue" and "The Biography of Guan Xue Zong", so this chapter will introduce it.
In the fifth year of Jiaqing (18), Wang Jie, a 76-year-old high-ranking official, begged for dismissal because of his old age and frailty. Emperor Jiaqing issued a letter to retain him and granted him a special permission to enter the DPRK on crutches. Three years later, he resigned and returned to his hometown. Before he left, he also wrote a special letter requesting to solve the problem of political corruption, and proposed to plug the financial loopholes of the country through official rectification. On the day of Wang Jie's resignation and leaving Beijing, Emperor Jiaqing gave him a walking stick and two imperial poems used by Qianlong as a token of his respect and esteem. In the poem, there is a saying, "The Tao stands upright in a temple, and the wind returns to Hancheng with two sleeves." Spoke highly of his life.
In the 9th year of Jiaqing (184), on Wang Jie's eightieth birthday, Governor Fang Weidian went to Beijing to pay his respects with the imperial autocratic poems, inscriptions and treasures. He went to Beijing to thank him and died in Beijing soon after. His main works are Xing Yuan Yi Shuo and Bao Chun Ge Ji.