There are few original works of Wang Xizhi, and all we see are replicas. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, cursive, flying white, etc. All of them can be used, such as regular script, Yue Yi Lun, Huang Tingjing, cursive seventeen posts, running script aunt post, quick snow clearing post, funeral post and so on. His running script Preface to Lanting is the most representative. Wang Xizhi studied regular script Zhong You, cursive script Zhang Zhi, Li Si and Cai Yong. And learn from others. Is his calligraphy famous? Yue Long in heaven, tiger in phoenix? It gives people a quiet and beautiful feeling, just in contrast to Zhong You's book.
His calligraphy is dignified, easy to change, and boring with a pen. He completely broke through the meaning of official script and created a modern calligraphy style with elegant style, which was respected by later generations. Book saint? . There are few original works of Wang Xizhi, and all we see are replicas. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has running script, cursive script, flying white and other styles, such as regular script, Yue Yi Lun, Huang Tingjing, cursive seventeen posts, running script, aunt post, quick snow clearing post, funeral post and so on. His running script Preface to Lanting is the most representative. Wang Xizhi (303-36 1, 32 1-379) was born in Linyi (now Linyi, Shandong) and later lived in Yinshan (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang).
To the official right army generals, they must take literature and history, so the world says that Wang must take it. Wang Xizhi studied regular script Zhong You, cursive script Zhang Zhi, Li Si and Cai Yong. And learn from others. Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy since he was a child. When he was seven years old, he had already written well. After practicing for four or five years, I always feel that I haven't made much progress. One day, I found a book called Bi Tan under my father's pillow, all about writing methods. He sneaked a book happily. While I was studying hard, my father came over and asked, Why did you steal the secretary under my pillow? ? Hee-ho just laughed. Mother wanted to make amends for him and inserted a sentence from the side:? Do you want to know how to use a pen? ? Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is good at official script, cursive script and regular script, with diverse styles. He studied his body posture carefully, imitated his hands attentively, learned from others and prepared various styles. He got rid of the wind of Han and Wei dynasties and became a family of his own, with far-reaching influence. The writing style is gentle and natural, euphemistic and implicit, beautiful and healthy. The masterpiece "Preface to Lanting" is known as? The best running script in the world? .