The etiquette of banquets is:
Seating arrangement: Basically, according to the principle of right-oriented, the guest of honor is arranged on the right side of the host, and the guest of honor is arranged on the left side of the host. . For banquets with a large number of participants, the host should arrange table signs for guests to confirm their seats. ?
Seating: The host or the elder takes the initiative to arrange for everyone to be seated; guests can only take their seats after the elder or lady is seated; when sitting, the gentleman opens the seat for the lady next to him (especially on the right) and help them sit down. ?
Posture: After sitting down, keep your posture upright, put your feet under your seat, do not cross your legs, shake your legs and feet, and do not straighten them at will; do not place your elbows on the table, and do not stretch to both sides. Influence others. ?
Communication: A banquet is a social occasion. You should care about others at the dinner table, especially greet the female guests on both sides. If there is food in your mouth, you should avoid talking or toasting; the banquet should create a harmonious and warm atmosphere. atmosphere, and avoid topics that affect the atmosphere of the meal, such as death and disease. ?
Seating dishes: The host can serve dishes for the guests around him. Serving dishes should use a serving spoon or chopsticks. When serving dishes, the food preferences of the guests should be taken into consideration. If the guests do not like it or are already full, do not serve the dishes to the guests.
Toast: The host pours wine for the guest first. If there are elders or distinguished guests present, the host should also pour wine for them first. When the host pours wine for the guests, the guests hold the cups in hand to show respect and thanks. The first toast should be proposed by the host, and guests should not be the first to do so. Toasts should be polite and everyone should do as he pleases, and should not persuade others to drink. ?
Dismissal: Generally, the host signals the end of the banquet. After the host and guest of honor leave their seats, other guests can leave. ?
Special note:
When dining, please note that personal tableware cannot be extended into the public dining plate to scoop out soup. Public chopsticks and spoons should be used; decide whether to add more after tasting the dishes. Seasonings. Adding seasonings before you taste them is considered disrespectful to the cook. When picking up food, you should look carefully at your chopsticks and not pick at will. Eat in small mouths and avoid chewing in large gulps. Do not pick your teeth with your fingers. You can use toothpicks and Cover it with your hand or handkerchief, break the toothpick after use and put it in the receiving dish.
Chopsticks cannot be placed crosswise horizontally or vertically, inserted into the rice bowl, or placed on the bowl.
If you accidentally splash soup or wine on other people's clothes, you should apologize. If the other person is of the opposite sex, you don't have to wipe it yourself, just ask the waiter for help; if the other person is unclean or has a peculiar smell, When eating food, don't yell, take it out and wrap it in a napkin and then dispose of it.
When checking out, you should avoid fighting to pay the bill; it is not appropriate to pay the bill without the owner's consent.