Fan Zhongyan was very happy because he met a good emperor, Song Renzong. Song Renzong is very friendly to his opponents, especially the ministers around him. Bao Zheng protested face to face many times during his tenure as the suggestion and remonstrance officer, and his tone was splashed on Injong's face. However, while wiping his face with his sleeve, Injong accepted his suggestion and did not blame this selfless man.
On one occasion, Bao Gong wanted to replace the third special envoy, Zhang Yaozu, on the grounds that his performance was mediocre. Zhang Yaozuo is Injong's favorite concubine. Injong was in a dilemma and thought of a way to make Zhang Yaozuo our special envoy. Bao Zheng still unwilling, words more intense. He led seven officials and the theory of Renzong. Injong said angrily, you want to talk about Yao Zhang's assistant? Our time is a rough official, why should we fight?
Tang Jie, the last of the seven people, replied rudely: In our time, Emperor Taizong did it, and I am afraid it is not a rough official. Yao Zhang didn't stop being our emissary. Injong returned to the harem and said to Zhang Guifei, You only know that you are going to announce the emblem. Do you know that Bao Zheng is an imperial envoy?
Fan Zhongyan was very happy because Song Renzong once trusted him.
Song Renzong led the government and began to grasp the economy. Fan Zhongyan, who was welcomed by the masses, was appointed as prime minister. Soon, Prime Minister Fan's ten policies were made clear, including restraining transportation, paying tribute, selecting generals, leveling fields, planting mulberry, repairing soldiers, reducing corvee, encouraging Qin Enxin and issuing heavy orders. Song Renzong made a decision on the spot: quasi-performance, national implementation.
Then why did Fan Zhongyan's reform end in failure? After only one year and four months, he was expelled from Beijing. It is generally considered to be the work of villains. It is said that Xia Song, the dismissed minister, was impeached and demoted by Fan Zhongyan and others, so he hated Fan Zhongyan and others. Xia has always liked calligraphy and is good at studying glyphs and fonts. A maid next to him is also fascinated by this line.
In the fourth year of Qing dynasty, he instigated the maid to imitate the handwriting of the famous scholar Shijie, and gradually confused the fake with the real. Shijie is a famous figure who supports Fan Zhongyan very much. He often writes articles and poems to discuss state affairs. He is very bold. Old Xia Hei asked the maid to imitate Ding Wei. He tampered with Ding Wei's letter to Fu Bi. Tampering with the added content implies that a coup will be staged to overthrow Renzong.
Shage's submission of this letter to Injong is a major report. When Injong read this letter, he didn't. I don't believe it, but he can't. I can't help but whisper something in his mind. What's more, Fan Zhongyan was impeached for engaging in private parties and illegal organizations, which is a fatal thing. When Fan Zhongyan was selfish, he reviewed a list of officials, and all incompetent officials were unceremoniously written off.
Fu Bi, stop it. I can't bear to see it. Fan, you can make the whole family cry at the touch of a pen. Fan Zhongyan said seriously: If you don't make a family cry, you will make others cry. Fu Bi remained silent. Although Song Renzong believed Fan Zhongyan, everyone said that Song Renzong could not. I can't help believing it.
So Song Renzong decisively stopped, which violated the interests of the emperor. Even if you are absolutely right, you will never tolerate it. After all, you have offended too many people.