In essence, Mi Fei and Yan Zhenqing, the two kings, came down in one continuous line, enlightening Wu Ju, Mi Youren, Wang Duo and Xu Wei in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. The two great kings of political reform did not excite Zheng Zhong and Yawei. They were very excited. Yan Zhenqing's political reform is a stroke of a pen, and it is open. Extension is the main reason for the internal struggle of the structure, with straightforward brushwork and strong contrast. Yan to open, rice to gather. As soon as the pen was closed, it exploded. The pen was thick and dense, leaving only a ray of light. Black and white contrast, to the extreme, unique. There are also neutrals in Mishu, represented by Shu Su Tie. It is the best model for beginners to write running scripts.