Hello everyone, I am Lu'an, and I am very happy to answer here today:
When Donghua went down to earth and experienced calamity, he devoted himself to the son of the king of Chengyu Kingdom, who was Song Xuanren, and later became Chengyu. The king of Yu State. Fengjiu knew that after the emperor went to someone else's house to undergo a calamity, she also went there in order to repay her kindness and wanted to help him succeed in the calamity. When Feng Jiu arrived in the human world, Song Xuanren and General Ye Qingti were fighting on the battlefield. Feng Jiu also pretended to be a soldier, fought together, and used magic to save Song Xuanren. Because of the use of magic, Feng Jiu was devoured and returned to Qingqiu to heal. Later, Si Ming informed that because Fengjiu's appearance disrupted the emperor's calamity, the emperor had to go through the calamity of ending all three loves in the mortal world. She went to the human world again to help the emperor complete the calamity of love.
Song Xuanren was very happy to see Feng Jiu again. Feng Jiu asked to stay in the palace. Although he was confused, he agreed. At this time, Feng Jiu was still pretending to be a soldier. Siming told Feng Jiu that if the emperor's calamity failed, the consequences would be disastrous. Fengjiu is going to help the emperor complete the love disaster. So Feng Jiu had to wear women's clothing again. Song Xuanren was grateful for her life-saving grace, but now that he saw how beautiful she really was, he named her the Nine Beauties. Then Song Xuanren doted on the Nine Beauties alone, which aroused a lot of jealousy and made Ye Qingti, who also liked her, choose to quit silently. But he has been guarding Feng Jiu. Later, during the worry-free cake incident, Feng Jiu was unjustly imprisoned, but he also found a way to help Feng Jiu get rid of his injustice. The relationship between Song Xuanren and Jiu Meiren is getting deeper and deeper, and they have reached the point where they are inseparable. The more this happens, Fengjiu must make her unable to love her in order to survive the disaster. Fengjiu understands in her heart that facing her with affection Song Xuanren was deeply worried. One time, Fengjiu asked Ye Qingti to go out to relax, but when she came back, she was misunderstood by Song Xuanren and made it very unpleasant. Jealousy is also a sign of liking. Later, Feng Jiu was canonized as queen, but Feng Jiu could not continue to be entangled with Song Xuanren like this. She had to find a way as soon as possible to help the emperor succeed in his calamity. So after she knew that Ye Qingti was interested in her, she responded to him. The letters between them were later discovered by Song Xuanren, who became furious and imprisoned the two in a prison. At this time, the Chengyu Kingdom also suffered a sneak attack from the enemy. Feng Jiu persuaded Song Xuanren to let Ye Qingti go to deal with the enemy, and Song Xuanren agreed. The enemy country was actually being used by the demons to seize the spiritual stone, so everyone gathered in the underground palace and started killing. Ye Qingti's arrival prevented the Lingbi Stone from being taken away, and finally saved Feng Jiu and Song Xuanren, but she was stabbed to death. Feng Jiu was disheartened because she had caused Ye Qingti's death. She just wanted to complete this calamity quickly, so she jumped off the cliff later. By the time Song Xuanren arrived, it was too late. Not long afterward, Song Xuanren also died. The calamity is over.
I am very happy to answer your questions on Baidu today. I hope my answers can help you. You are also welcome to discuss with me here.