Wang Sengqian's father, Wang Tanshou, is a doctor in Guanluo Youguang Road. Wang Tanshou's brothers gathered their descendants together, and Wang Hong's son, Ren Monk, bounced on the ground. At that time, Wang Sengqian was only a few years old, and he was sitting alone kneading the phoenix with wax oil. Wang hong said: This child will become a loyal elder in the future.
Wang Sengqian is about twenty years old, generous and good at writing regular script. Song Wendi saw the fan he wrote and praised him: Not only did his calligraphy surpass Wang Xianzhi, but Founder also surpassed him.
He was appointed as the secretary of Prince Lang and Prince He. Wang Sengqian is modest and taciturn, and seldom associates with others. He is good friends with Yuan Shu and Xie Zhuang. Later, he was transferred to Prince Ma and moved to Situ Zuoxi.
His brother Wang Sengchuo was killed by Liu Shao, and his relatives and friends advised Wang Sengqian to flee for his life. With tears streaming down his face, he said: My brother serves the country with loyalty and supports my current affairs with love. If he is not involved, forget it.
If we die together, it's like flying into the sky.
In the early years of Emperor Xiaowu, he served as Wuling County Magistrate. His nephew Wang Jian fell ill on the way to his post with him, so Wang Sengqian took care of his nephew without eating or sleeping, and his doormen comforted him. He said that in the past, there was no difference between Ma Yuan and his nephew, and You Deng treated his nephew better than his own son. That's what I think, no different from the ancients.
He is a descendant of my dead brother and should not be ignored. If the child can't be saved, I will turn around and resign, and I am no longer interested in being an official.
Later, he returned to Beijing, Ren Zhongshu Lang, and was transferred to Huangmenlang, an illegitimate son.
Liu Jun, Emperor Xiaowu of Song Dynasty, in order to enjoy the reputation of a famous calligrapher, Wang Sengqian dared not show his calligraphy level. In the next year, he often writes with a bare pen so that he can live. King Liu Zishang of Zhang Yu was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the army, and he was promoted to the official servant of Sanshou. Liu Yuluan was appointed as the new corps commander of Wang Anbei, the satrap of South Donghai County and the secretariat of South Xuzhou. These two princes are the favorite generals of Emperor Xiao Wudi.
Soon, he was appointed as the civil history of Zhang Yu. He also entered the DPRK as a servant and was promoted to meet Zhong Cheng, also as a general. Nobles have never been appointed as inspectors. Only the branch of the Wang family living in the civilian area was appointed to a lower position. Wang Zengqian holds such a position. This is the position of those who live in civilian areas, he said. I can also try to do it.
Later, he was appointed assistant and captain. During the Taishi period, he was appointed as the assistant general and Wu Taishou, and his rank was equivalent to two thousand stones. Wang Xianzhi is good at writing long books. He used to be a county magistrate in Xing Wu, and Wang Sengqian was also good at calligraphy. He was also appointed as the county magistrate of Xing Wu, and was praised as a beautiful talk.
Later, he was appointed as the magistrate of Huiji County, and his rank was equivalent to 2,000 stones, and he was still the general of the auxiliary country. Mr Ruan Yuefu, a calligrapher from China, is in Huiji, and has gone back to East on leave. The public in Wang Sengqian urged him to marry Ruan Yuefu and received him with courtesy. Wang Sengqian said: I have my own rules in the world, so I can't flatter such people. If he hates me, I will leave.
Ruan Yuefu told Ming Di, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, and instructed Cheng Sunfu, the imperial historian, to impeach him, saying that he had misbehaved when he was a satrap. From arrival to moving the capital, * * * appointed officials, five senses, a master book, and even three biographies of Li Guan's disciples, totaling 448 people. He also criticized why people should wait for 1 10 families to be gentry first. State and county officials should be sent to check.
Wang Sengqian was relieved of his post. Soon, as an assistant as a civil servant, he was appointed as the supervisor of the prefect of Wu County, and was promoted to be the special envoy, military commander and general Jianwu of Xiangzhou, exercising the authority of Xiangzhou secretariat, and concurrently serving as the assistant general and secretariat of Xiangzhou. He is famous for being lenient and benefiting the people in various positions. Many refugees under the dam live in Xiangzhou, and Wang Sengqian played on it, and divided Yiyang, Luo Xiang and Xiangxi into Xiangyin counties. His suggestion was approved.
Wang Sengqian soon added the title of "regular servant riding" and turned to "left servant shooting". In the first year of the Ming Dynasty, he was promoted to be a servant of Shangshu, and soon became a servant of Zhongshu and Zuo Fu. In the second year, he became a servant of Shangshu. Wang Sengqian loves literature and history, and he also studies music. In view of the fact that most of the current ritual and music systems in the imperial court violated the traditional regulations, people competed to produce new tune zaju. At that time, Xiaomaodao became the minister of auxiliary government, and Wang Sengqian wrote: hanging hammers and other musical instruments were used in elegant occasions; Playing Kay's dance is subject to Team 8. Now, the feather dance, music and costumes danced by Yue Guan are all against etiquette. And a set of bells, accompanied by geisha, mainly singing, not gagaku. In the second year, the bells in the palace will be used to play _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Not in the original shape. The wall clock in the palace is still played in strict accordance with the rules of elegant music, which not only protects the system of elegant music, but also takes into account the actual situation, which may be feasible. In addition, today's Shang Qing music is actually handed down from the era of Cao Wei, which is the charm of the era of Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Rui. This kind of music can still be seen everywhere, and Luojing people think it is elegant, especially in Jiangzuo. It is true that the temple has achieved elegant music, and folk songs and music such as Sangwen, Pushang and Zheng have been abandoned by the upper class. There is nothing better than this situation. However, with the change of social atmosphere, people's appreciation habits have also changed. These Qing music songs gradually declined, and nearly half of them have been lost in more than ten years. Since then, every family has been competing to write new songs. People advocate pop music and blindly pursue hasty melodies, regardless of the laws of music itself. This trend has spread and I don't know how far it will go. This social atmosphere excludes elegant music and emphasizes promiscuous songs. Scholars are hierarchical, they can't get rid of music for no reason, and there are differences in manners. Some music is not available to all ages. Therefore, those noisy songs are developing day by day among the people; Yayue, yes, is only circulated among the literati. Relevant parties should be ordered to make great efforts to sort out the lost elegant music and gradually promote it. If there is something forgotten in music, it should be fully supplemented. If you can arrange a complete piece of music, you must appoint a senior official for high-paying and high-level performance.
In this case, if we use material benefits to motivate, then everyone will work hard, so as to get rid of the root causes and set things right, otherwise it will be just around the corner.
Its opinions were adopted and implemented.
In the first year of Jianyuan, he was transferred to Shi Zhong, Fu Jun General and Danyang Yin. Two years later, when he became General Zuo Wei, Wang Sengqian insisted on his export and was not worshipped. He was appointed as Dr. Zuo Guanglu, while Shi Zhong and Danyang Yin remained. There has always been such a practice in the treatment of prisoners in counties and counties: poisoning prisoners with decoction while they are ill. Wang Sengqian wrote: Decoction was originally used to treat diseases, but it was used to make people cry to gain patience or to vent personal hatred. If the crime is serious, it is necessary to impose a heavy sentence and have its own criminal law provisions; If it is to punish criminals quickly, you should report it first. How can we leave the power of life and death to the counties at will? In my opinion, to treat a criminal, the chief must first report to the county and ask the relevant officials and doctors to make a judgment face to face. If the criminal's family members are far away from the county government, they must wait for family members to visit before they can be treated. In this way, criminals will have no regrets even if they die, and their families will not complain.
His opinion was adopted by the emperor.
Wang Sengqian attaches great importance to the collection of instrumental music scores. The scores submitted next year are not only slightly revised, but also have many omissions. At this time, the emperor wanted to send envoys to foreign countries to collect music. Wang Sengqian wrote to his nephew, Wang Jian, saying: As the old saying goes, the etiquette in the Central Plains has been lost, and this is for several tribes around him.
I guess the same is true of music. After Fu Jian's defeat, the Eastern Jin Dynasty prepared elegant music, so we can't totally deny Fu Jian. The northern countries may have preserved the music lost in the Central Plains, which can't be used to make up for the lack of the Central Plains, but understanding the lost situation is also a kind of cleanup. However, the original twenty-one songs can only be played eleven now. I think this time, the northern envoys will shoot slaves, and one of the music officials should be elected as a member of the mission. Although it is difficult to compare with ji zi's strict pursuit of pleasure, as far as he knows, some things he can learn are different from the original situation. If you think what I said is reasonable, can you report my meaning to the emperor? Please wait a moment.
But this matter has never been implemented.
Xiao Daocheng, the first emperor of Qi, was good at calligraphy. After he became emperor, his enthusiasm for calligraphy art continued unabated. He once competed with Wang Sengqian in calligraphy. After writing, he asked Wang Sengqian: Who was the first? Wang Sengqian replied: My calligraphy is the first, and so is your majesty's calligraphy.
The emperor said with a smile, you really have to think about yourself! At the same time, eleven volumes of Gu Mo were displayed to Wang Sengqian, including the ink of Sun Quan, Zhai Jing Sun Xiu and Gui Ming Hou Sunhao, the ink of Huan Xuan, and the ink of Prime Minister Wang Dao, Leader Wang Qia, Minister Wang Min, Zhang Zhi, Su Jing, Wei Boru, Zhang Yi and others. Twelve volumes were presented to the emperor. Also entered the list of people that Yang Xin can write.
In the winter of this year, he was promoted to our time, commander-in-chief of Xiangzhou Military Region, general Nan, secretariat of Xiangzhou, and still served as a servant. Wang Sengqian's politics is quiet and simple, and there is no greed or private property, so people can live and work in peace and contentment. Qi Shizu Xiao Ze ascended the throne, and Wang Sengqian wanted to retire due to a stroke. At this time, he was promoted to Shi Zhong, Zuo Guanglu and Kaifu Yitong. When Wang Sengqian was a teenager, he attended a party of his peers. A guest visited him and said, "A monk will have the highest age and official position in the future. From official to public office, others can't catch up.".
At this moment, Wang Sengqian said to his nephew Wang Jian: You shoulder a heavy responsibility in North Korea and will be appointed as a public official soon. If I am appointed as this official again, there will be two public officials in our family, which is really scary.
So he resolutely resigned, and the emperor understood his pains and agreed with him. Shi Zhong, Te Jin and Zuo Guanglu were appointed. When a guest asked him why he gave up, Wang Sengqian said: What this group is worried about is that they have no moral quality, and they are not worried about not getting honor. I have gone too far to be an official. I am ashamed that my talent is too small to serve my country. How can I accept a higher title and attract ridicule? His nephew, Wang Jian, served as prime minister in North Korea, and his family built a house with a long beam, which was slightly higher than the specified specifications. Wang Sengqian was very unhappy when he saw it. He didn't even go to Wang's house for this reason, and Wang immediately tore it down.
In the third year of Yongming, Wang Sengqian died. Wang Sengqian is good at observing astronomical phenomena. One night, sitting outside, he saw the change of the constellation corresponding to Zhang Yu County, and inferred that something would happen in Zhang Yu County. At that time, his son Wang Ci was a civil servant in Zhang Yu, worried about his career. Soon, Wang Sengqian died, and Wang Ci left his post to attend the funeral. Wang Sengqian is sixty years old. The imperial court named him Sikong, remained loyal, and posthumous title was named Jian Mu.
When talking about the art of calligraphy, Wang Sengqian said: Song Wendi's calligraphy claims to be comparable to Wang Xianzhi's. At that time, people commented that his talent was better than Yang Xin's, but his calligraphy was not as good as Yang Xin's. Wang Guang, a Pingnan general, is Wang Xizhi's uncle. His calligraphy level was the highest before Du Nan. My late great-grandfather Wang Qia's calligraphy, Wang Xizhi commented: My brother's calligraphy is no less than mine.
Only Wang Xizhi and Wang Qia can change the style of ancient calligraphy now; Otherwise, we will still use the calligraphy of Zhong You and Zhang Zhi as the standard calligraphy style. My late cousin Zhongshu ordered Wang's calligraphy. Wang Xianzhi said: My brother's calligraphy is like a mule. It runs very fast and often wants to pass a good horse.
Yu Yi, the general of the Western Expedition, was as famous as Wang Xizhi when he was young. Wang Xizhi is his junior, but Yu Yi is not convinced. When he was in Jingzhou, he wrote to a friend in Beijing, saying: The younger generation is like a poor chicken, they all learn Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and I will share it with him when I scrape the capital.
Zhang Yi's calligraphy, Wang Xizhi's handwritten chapter. After Jin finished writing the topic, Zhang Yi was asked to write a composition. Wang Xizhi himself couldn't tell at that time. It took a long time to wake up and say that this boy's handwriting is almost the same as mine, and the truth is confused with the truth.
Zhang Zhi, Zhong Hui, Wei _ and Wei Fu are all famous artists of the previous generation, so it is impossible to judge their advantages and disadvantages, only by their amazing brushwork. Mr. Zhang was also interested in sideways. Wang Xizhi, the West's master, is a little bit better than Wang Xizhi's cursive script, but it is compact and charming, surpassing his father. Huan Xuan thinks that his calligraphy and Wang Xizhi are first-class, and people think that he can only be compared with Kong Lin. Xie An is also among calligraphers, conceited. He once wrote Ji Kang's poems for Wang Xianzhi. Yang Xin's calligraphy was famous for some time, and he was personally taught in Wang Xianzhi. His running script is particularly good, and regular script doesn't match his reputation. Kong Lin's calligraphy is natural and unrestrained, with great brushwork, but there is no Yang Xin's calligraphy standard. Qiu Daohu and Yang Xin are both under Wang Xianzhi, so he should be under Yang Xin. Fan Wei and Xiao Si talked with Yang Xin as their teacher. Later, Ye Fan changed his teacher's biography less and lost the original composition, but used Yang Xin's brushwork less. Xiao Si's calligraphy is simply the shadow of Yang Xin, and his writing style is interesting, not under Yang Xin, but his writing ability is weak. General Xie's calligraphy, which his uncle thinks is concise and lively, is very appreciated, but unfortunately lacks charm. Xie Lingyun's handwriting is very poor. If all the conditions are right, he can also write a good hand. He Daoli's calligraphy is a bit dry and protective. Geng Xin can learn from Wang Xizhi and get confused.
Wang Sengqian wrote another book, Fu, which spread all over the world.